Dary's tank!

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Just a few assorted pics of some of the new stuff .., of course in real life the colors are amazingly neon like and super colorful.,but maybe you'll get the general idea anyway ...

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ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409871147.827487.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409871245.026101.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409871282.365401.jpg things were going kinda goofy when I was trying to post some pictures so my apologies if there was any duplicates in the last post or two ,but hopefully enough of them came thru ok....

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Tank looks stunning Dary! The colors are amazing.

Thank you,...I looks so much better and colorful in person.... Gotta lay loose for a little bit. Cuz Hawaii is in 16 days away and gotta find all my snorkeling gear .

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I'm doing my last minute packing and checking everything twice ... The airport shuttle will be here in a couple more hours to pick up Laura and myself for another trip to Kona, Hawaii and yet another snorkeling adventure .
My brother joe will be watching the tank and feeding the fish while we're away . , I'm hoping that all goes well with everything., obviously , I only gave him a couple of small chores to do Like filling up the ato bucket etc ., everything else should be as leakproof and bullet proof as can be , so with fingers crossed " aloha " to all .

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Have fun buddy. Expect some tank shots on your return. If you see a guy named Jake with a snake on his arm, tell him I said hi. Lol.

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I'm jealous right now. Hope to have a safe and eventful trip

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Thank you.., but seconds after taking this picture my girl friend came out and closed the lanai' glass door and locked us out of the condo !! Thank god I had just bought myself a cold beer to bring out there to drink ... Two stories up and trapped !! Funny now that we look back on it but not so funny yesterday !

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Like what you've done with the tank. :)

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Thank you ... It really does look a zillion times better in person., lots more room for more coral too !! There's so many huge yellow tangs in front of our condo here ., might have to go check em out tomorrow or the next day .., they're Giants .

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We spent the morning snorkeling in front of our condo and I'd like to report that the tropical fish population in kona is alive and well !! Wow .., as I stated in the previous post seeing the schools of yellow tangs from the lanai was one thing but the amount of other species was fantastic ,... As an avid Hawaiian snorkler ,I am impressed., and a tall cold one is only a few yards away in your condo!ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1411590796.954025.jpg
The only down side to this area is getting in or out without being shredded by the rocks.... All in all a very pleasant day swimming with the humuhumu's

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Sounds like you are having a blast. Would be neat to see the critters in their natural habitat. You ended putting a "nanny cam" on your tank at home right?

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Hawaii as usual continues to be hot, humid and wonderful ,.... We spent yesterday snorkeling at " two step" fascinated by the vast amounts of Volkswagen sized corals which inhabit the sea floor ,..the vast array of fish there yesterday was spell bounding,..two step is one if those places that it can be alive with creatures one day and not so many the next. , luckily yesterday was a good day.
My next present to myself will be a Sony wifi camera enclosed in a underwater housing to replace the non wifi Sony camera that I have in its underwater housing,... Getting to be kind of an hassle having to use a regular computer to download your photos on then to transfer them to your iPad / phone so you can send them out .
The only real picture that I have for you is of my girl friends sock monkey who travels with her everywhere ,... Well, he went snorkeling yesterday with us in a ziplock bag!!! The other divers / snorkelers seemed to enjoy seeing him after the adventure resting up , especially the girls.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1411747878.315727.jpg

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I'm jealous. Hope you continue to have a blast and you've gotta get some dive pics up eventually .

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