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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 9, 2012
I'm trying to make my on reefs with like tunnels and stuff dose any one no if there is like a safe clay that will harden and were can I get it..
Won't that flout and well my fish eat that..
Bg-mike said:
Won't that flout and well my fish eat that..

Yes and yes
You can use the same stuff they make clay pots out of. Can't think of the name/type bit you can find it at an art shop or Michaels
In order to use clay you would need to fire it in a kiln. Twice at that, the bisque stage of clay (after being fired once) is extremely porous and very fragile. I've broken bisqued clay just by picking it up. The second time clay is fired is after it has been glazed which is what makes it waterproof and much more durable.

Best option is like what was mentioned earlier, use styrofome and weight it down. Then you grout it to make it waterproof and paint to your desire.
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