decreasing PH?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 20, 2005
Mauritius Is.
i bought an aquarium product that says "PH- decreasing reagent". does anyone use this? is it effective? will it really diminish ph by 0.5 units/day?
is that decreasing rate worth the product? will a very low ph affect my fish: 1 pacu, 2 parrots?

will it cut down the salt level of my tank?

thanks for answering all my questions.
Please dont use that stuff.. I would find the nearest trash can and throw it in it..
Stable PH is much more important then a exact ph number.. the chemicals end up making your water unstable.. unstable PH can and will kill fish..
Hopefully you haven't opened or used the product yet. If not, good. Take it back and get a refund.

As GM says, it isn't worth the agony it will create. You will spend a lifetime and a small fortune chasing your ph as it swings up and down with chemicals.
Plus aren't you still battling ich? Messing with the pH isn't usually wise but messing with the pH while battling ich is pretty much guaranteeing tragedy. :

Your tank is sort of a mess right now with fish that are much too big for it, fish that have ich, medication has been added to the water.....Basically I think the best advice for you would be to visit a library or bookstore and pick up a good tropical fish care book. I would suggest The Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums by David E. Boruchowitz. Read the book from cover to cover and then you will be better equipped to make decisions regarding your tank. I believe the way your tank is set up right now equals nothing but heartache for the future. Besides the ich your fish are going to be susceptible to numerous diseases due to the fact that you have parrots and pacu in a 20 gallon.

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