Desperately need advice - very sick pleco

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 7, 2009
I have been trying to treat a sick pleco -- we have had him for 11 years. He is in a 10 gal tank alone ~ had a betta in with him for a little bit but took it out when the pleco got sick. He has never been sick before this round. I'm hoping someone can help. Here's the story ~ pleco got ich -- i raised the temp and treated with ick attack for about 7 days ~ all seemed good (he started to eat again :) -- then 3 days and these white spots started to appear. I did some online research and figured out this was fungus - a secondary infection which is common after ick. I treated with Jungle fungus tabs -- no effect. (now I've been doing 25 - 50% water changes weekly ~ except during the ick treatment period) -- did the 50%water change before the ick attack and then not again until after treatment. Anyway, I did more research - tried the local aquarium store (that told me to change the water and do nothing else). I did another 50% water change ~ pleco looking worse. So now I'm desperate to save him -- I do a complete water change ~ completely wash out the tank, rocks, new filter bits, etc (the water is looking horrible and I'm guessing the bottom filter is a mess at this point regardless of my cleanings). And I treat with Maroxy. continue treating with Maroxy for the last 4 days - it says don't treat more than 5 days. Pleco is more covered - fins are getting pale ~ some of the fungus growths are turning brown ~ I know he's dying and I'm out of ideas, etc. On a side note ~ I've been battling the PH in both my tanks for some time now -- continually having to up the PH. The other tank is clean, fish are doing well -- have a pleco, neon tetra's and skirts in there with a small cat -- it's 20 gal.
I would appreciate any advice you can share -- this fish was won by my daughter when she was in the 2nd grade & the teacher disbursed the class fish at the end of the year.
I am so sorry for your loss. For future reference it is never a good idea to completely clean a tank, substrate and filter. It destroys beneficial bacteria.

Pleco's can be sensitive to ich medicines. That may have been the cause of the initial fungal infection.
Bummer man. :(

I totally agree with Zagz.

thank you Zagz & HN1 for the response/info -- I understand on the full change but I was desperate -- the water was in such bad shape regardless of all my wc and it was smelling horrible. I have another pleco in another tank and would love some advice on what I should have done when the pleco got ich to prevent the secondary fungus. I used Ich Attack and raised the temp to 83... that seemed to work well. Maybe I should have done something differently right after the ich seemed to be cleared up and he started eating again? any suggestions would be appreciated so I learn from this~
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