Diatom issues?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2011
I've been having a diatom problem for weeks now. I've been trying to rub it off of my silk plants when I do PWC but I either can't get it to come off or it just grows back.

It's now growing all over my other aquarium decorations and starting to grow in my gravel and on my aquarium glass. I'm going to pick up a scrubber today.

I was thinking of taking each plant out one by one, drying it, and then scrubbing the diatoms off, but would that help at all? wouldn't the diatoms just grow back when I put it back in the tank?

I know that diatoms affect "new" tanks, but how long is a tank new exactly?
I'd add a small algae eater but my tank is at max capacity.
Diatoms ... aka "brown algae" are common in new aquariums ... the result of excess silicates in the water which diatoms use to form their shells (brown color).

The question is ... do you use tap as your PWC sources? If so and it's ground water, there is a chance the water will also contain silicates. If that turns out to be the case, you may never really get rid of Diatoms. Have had it since the second month and no sign of it going away ... you guessed it, I have groundwater.

In your case, your tank sounds like it's still new enough that it may go away on it's own.

The link below has some additional info on diatoms.
Brown Diatom Algae Control | Aquariums Life
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