Didn't rinse substrate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2004
Ok, I admit it, I made a mistake. The LFS recommended Terralit and Flourite for my tank when I told them I was merely considering live plants. I thought that, since it wasn't plan old gravel, that I didn't need to rinse it. It's okay now, but whenever I rearrange any gravel, I stir up a small cloud of dirt.

Is there an easy way to remedy the situation without removing the fish and starting over? One of the problems with doing so is that I want to keep the layer of Terralit on the bottom under the gravel so that it doesn't encourage algae growth. If I dig it all out to rinse it, the Terralit will get all mixed up with everything else.

Another thought was to gradually vacuum the gravel with my python when I do water changes. This may take a long time, but as long as I don't do any major redecorating, it shouldn't be a problem.
Another thought was to gradually vacuum the gravel with my python when I do water changes. This may take a long time, but as long as I don't do any major redecorating, it shouldn't be a problem.
I would go this route, but I don't have experience with Terralit and Flourite. However, this seems the smoothest way, certainly not the fastest.
It'll eventually settle. Just get that gravel vac down into the substrate really well when you do water changes until the majority of the dust is gone.
Just get that gravel vac down into the substrate really well when you do water changes until the majority of the dust is gone.

I'd have to disagree here. I under-rinsed my flourite, in time it will settle quite well. The tiny particles will migtate deep into the gravel. Also, elmonty, if you dig deep with the gravel vac, you will end up mixing up your Terralit, which you said you didn't want to do.

I would just lightly skim the surface each time you vac, to get out the worst of it near the surface. JMO.
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