Didn't think watchman gobbys were much jumpers

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Aww sorry to hear that. :-(

I've heard they were jumpers too but mine all stay on the sandbed mostly and havent made a run for it yet.
Yea same here he'd always be in his self made hole under the rocks, I never once saw him by the surface.
Maybe something in the tank startled him, mine is kinda skittish with other fish.. And come to think of it, I have seen them jump like 3 feet. When I moved him from the 55g to a 125g I had to lower the water to almost empty because he could jump so high.

Are you going to get another one? They are awesome...
I don't know, I just might leave my tank the way it is, being that I have my tang in a 55 gallon. All I have now is 2 clowns a yellow tang a shrimp and 2 emerald crabs.
Have I not yelled at you for that tang then? LOL j/k The Tang Police on Patrol sorry .... Whats your plan for him? You know he can't stay in a 55g for very long really..Is he small still?
Yes you have lol and I'm sorry, but once he starts growing larger I will upgrade him to a larger 6ft tank. Right now he's about 2 inches and sails back and forth with the current of the power heads, but mostly follows my clowns around being nosey. I know it's selfish of me to keep him in a smaller tank but it's just for now.
As long as you know. ;-) I don't know what I would do without my yellow tang, I love him so much! I honestly did the 125g specifically so I could have one or more of them. I can see why you want him. Mine also hangs out around the clowns for some reason, though sometimes he just sails from one end of the tank to another weaving through rocks back and forth.

I'm glad I went with the 6 foot tank. It's actually not much bigger, just 2 more feet. It seemed ginormous to me when I first was looking at them, but once its in place it seems just right. :)
LOL, I think that would be highly unlikely. Mine doesnt even go to the surface and was so docile when I moved her into the tank, I don't think she could clear the rim!

Let's hope we never have to find out.

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