disappearing danio

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
When I left for vacation, I had five danios in my 10 gallon tank, now I can only find four with no trace of the fifth. I've search all my decorations and through all my plants, but nothing turns up. No trace of carpet surfing either. Everyone was very active and healthy when I left too. *big sigh* Maybe I am just going crazy and he'll somehow turn up alive in the tank.
in the filter? never thought of that...but I just checked, he isn't in the filter. The only residents behind the heater are my two otos, and no traces in the gravel :|
no fish up on top either (and my roommate is starting to question my sanity for retrieving a stool twice and crawling all over my dresser and tank)
the decor hasn't been moved in a while and the danio is too small to wedge itself completely under there...besides, I already used my roommate's flashlight to inspect the darker corners of my decor :roll:
If the fish did die odds are that the other danios consumed most of him. If you have plecos or any bottom feeders they too will scavange and finish off any remains.
i know it is terrible thinking a fish is gone. I had an albino cory that went missing for days. I checked under everything, in my filter, plants ...and still nowhere to be found. Then a few days later..he just reappeared. I hope that yours does too.
Hmm... only four this morning at feeding time. I do have a LOT of snails (just kinda let them take over the tank I guess :roll: ) plus two otos and a betta in there and I suppose I was gone long enough that they could successfully make my little danio disappear :( . It is just sad because my danios were the first fish I got and they started me on this wild obsession. :wink: Does anyone know how long danios live?

Maybe he'll still turn up... or maybe my fish should work for the mob :wink:
I've had 2 chinese danios disappear on me while i was gone for 2 weeks. (They were fed, so it wasn't starvation). I never found them........also turned my entire 20 gallon upside down.

Don't count on finding them rubysoho. But you could always get a new one to bring your number back to five. I personally did 20% water changes for a week on my 20 gal after they dissapeared. Just in case they were decaying somewhere in the tank....Then i stopped and my levels remained fine. Very strange.
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