Discus Care

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 12, 2014
Fort Collins, CO
Hey guys, after my new 55 gallon cycles I plan on putting some discus in it. Can anyone tell me what works and what doesn't in care for them?

Other questions:
Possible tank-mates?
Best diet?
Best breeding conditions?
Fry care?

The only answers I don't want are ones that only say "Discus are hard to care for, let alone breed." I am aware of this. I just need pointers on correct params, filtration, diet, and anything else I may need to know.

You know this forum well then...? :)

Anyway, my advice would be to keep the water warm (28 ish) and don't put anything in which will outcompete for food. Small, but chunky tetras work, such as Bentosi tetras or similar.

They are pretty shy.

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i would start by putting other fish in the tank for a few months to get everything settled, get all the water right for them

no plecos they can suck on the discuses sides
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409286895.366143.jpg Reverse osmosis live plants kent ro rite

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Big water changes, lots of them. I recommend if you don't have the time and convenience to do massive frequent water changes, to think twice about getting discus, any discuss expert will tell you that, filtration is secondary, meaning that it's all about the water change. A bare tank bottom is best to keep it clean and feeding is a challenge, they will shut down and not eat certain foods.
Temp at 84f. And I would not mix any other fish with them, though I've seen it done, can't speak for long term.

It took me a long time to learn the hard way, meaning I had some failures, till I followed the steps above, now is just second nature, but that will be the only way you'll keep healthy discus.
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