Discus Discussion

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I made a post and fluff kindly give me the link for this one. WOW that was a lot of interesting information I have just picked up (all 19 pages) lol. Any way my question relates to Fluff's first one on page one. Well here goes.

Well I have four discus and there is one (the biggest) which is the leader so to speak. It is now about 3inches and the rest are nearly 3 inches except one.I am not sure on there age but I think it is about 6 months, maybe more. I have noticed more recently that the largest has been twitching etc .... I think that it is sexually mature .... Any way after inspecting the fish today I noticed that the biggest one has a bulge. Now I have bred other fish and one of them being angel fish and well the bulge is directly above where I would say the egg tube is, but I am not sure. Could these be eggs ? What do you think?

If this big one is a female then the puzzle of the 4 discus is solved.

There is the blue one - I think it is a female full of eggs.
The other two - similar in behavior and size.Recently started "Bowing" in front of the big blue one So i think they are two males.
The smaller one - I think this is an over female and gets no attention and not as much food.

It all makes sense hopefully I am right.

LOL. Please tell me what you think ?

P.s. After reading the replys for fluffs post I do agree but I think that the discus is not yet sexually mature but is mature enough to start bonding with other fish. I have heard that discus can begin to pair of at approximately 6-7 months but not breed till they are at least a year old ?

Is this statement true ?

Please reply.

BTW Sorry about images but they were getting fed. lol 8)
Thank you for all your help Fluff. I am aware that they are to young / small to spawn I understand but would a female make it look like she is holding eggs i.e. a bulge to attract a mate because it sure is working. They wont stop bowing and twitching. This seems to happen more when cooler water is added to the tank and when they get fed the big one chooss one out of the other two to share the meal with. I then have to sneak some more food at the other end of the tank for the other two discus.

Any thoughts ?
I found a beautiful one for $45, he/she is about 3 inches in diameter with the best coloring I've seen here in the boonies. The discus started eating so it is ready to be sold ... makes me wonder about my empty 55 gallon.... :D
The voice inside your head is saying ... "Get them" .
Wooooo I know why my discus are acting like this. It is some what normall at this age / size I just read an article regarding them and well mine are acting fine lol. They are doign exactly what I have seen my do. The bulge is still a mystery lol. Any way from the article and my personal viewing of my fish I think I have a clue at what sex they may be and it looks like 2 males and 2 females. Now Wouldnt that be great lol. If only the could be sexed. Any way its not breeding or even pairing behaviour I dont think so I will have to wait about christmass time before they start to pair off I think.
I know imagine waking up Christmas morning to find eggs lol or even fry, from eggs I didnt see lol 8) That would be great
I don't want to burst your bubble Steven but after looking at the pics, the discus are too young to be egg laden. As you may know, discus have very short intestinal tracts. I think that the fish may be bloated.

Try feeding some roughage in the form of scraped frozen spinach. It's good for the discus in the long run.

Thanx BrianNY. I think that my Discus will start to pair of around christmas time so it gives me enough time to start reading on breading and save up for a RO water system thing lol. Any way first of all BrianNY would you be able to tell me how you know your discus are pairing off ?

Thank you.
Sure Steven. I think of discus as cichlids with manners. They tend to do everything slowly. You will know a pair has formed when two begin to hang out together. There will be some prespawning lip locks and a bit of displaying of colors and fins. They may chase other discus away. The females are apt to be just as aggressive in their courtship ritual as the males. It's great to watch.

I have been reading your thread and you all seem to know so much.
If you do not mind I would like to jump in as I need a little help with my
new Discus. This last Monday I got 4, two and a half inch, Discus from
Peru they were shipped to me, I live close to Guadalajara, Mexico.
Anyway when I got them they were laying on their sides in the water bag
that they were shipped in. My friend told me they were stressed out and
that they where OK. By the next day 2 where dead and by Thursday one
more died. I'm now down to just one, this last one from the beginning
looked to be fine. But now I'm having trouble finding what he will eat. The
only thing he'll eat is live Brine Shrimp and doesn't eat much of that.
Down here in Mexico it's hard to find live food, I think he must have
gotten things that were live. How can I get him to eat other things? I'm
afraid that if he doesn't start eating more he'll die. He is a Blue Cobalt.

Thanks for any help you may give me. :)

I'm a retired American from San Jose California.

Hi Mexico,

Sorry about losing the discus. Live fish, especially discus are perishable. They either died of oxygen depletion or suffered from poisoning themselves in their own waste. Acclimating stressed fish to a new environment can also hasten their demise.

If it were my discus I'd be doing daily water changes and making sure the tank had plenty of aeration. Are there other fish in the tank now, or is the discus alone? Brine shrimp are not the best source of protein. I would try feeding frozen blood worms. It isn't unusual for a discus put in new surroundings to go on a hunger strike.

Keep us posted.
Hi mexico,
Sorry i am also newbie fishkeeping discuss but may be you can feed your cobalt beefheart, as what i heard that discuss love beefheart, but i dont know what the ingredient and how to make it :oops: :oops: :oops:

Hi BrianNY,
Is sand substrate is suitable for discuss?, cause i planted to layer my tank with sand :D :D

tks a lot
Well I am not BrianNY lol but wish I had his knowledge on discus :lol:
Any way I think Discus will be fine with sand.
I was going to do my with sand but I find sand harder to clean than gravel and I wanted to make sure I got all the remains out of the tank lol.
Well I am not BrianNY lol but wish I had his knowledge on discus :lol:
Any way I think Discus will be fine with sand.
I was going to do my with sand but I find sand harder to clean than gravel and I wanted to make sure I got all the remains out of the tank lol.
:D Hi dcp,

The substrate doesn't matter much to discus as long as it's kept clean. I keep most of my discus in barebottom tanks because it's easier to clean glass than any subststrate.

I've tried feeding beefheart when I first started getting serious about discus. IME it's just not worth it because it creates such a mess and clouds the water. In addition many discus will refuse to eat it. My discus are fed live blackworms (not tubifex), frozen blood worms, earthworm flakes, tetra color bits, and shaved frozen spinach.


  • spinach_frenzy_293.jpg
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Where can you get hold of Spinach and how to you prepare/feed it to them ?
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