discus growth

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2011
san diego CA
I know I've asked this a few times. But I've had my discus for a few months and really haven't noticed any growth. I feed them 3 times a day. What else could help them grow faster or what may be stopping them
Try changing their diet up. Keep the pellets for 2 feedings. Get them on beef heart and mysis and spirulina brine shrimp and hikari had a frozen discus variety cubes . Maybe they might grow
IMO skip all the mumbo jumbo varied diet and stick with the Thera I recommended to you and concentrate on water changes and lots of them. Jack Watley did a experiment years ago with regards to discus growth and found excessive water changes increase growth by double over conventional methods, here's a good link.

Massive Discus Growth - Jack Wattley Experiment - Discus Fish Guide

I personally don't recommend feeding warm blooded animal proteins to fish either since it can e hard to digest, but thats a whole other thread.
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It's was a good article . It's just about month old discus and the effects of water changes on their growth. Nothing about long term discus diet and whether frozen foods or pellet foods are better for growth. But saying that about the animal protein makes sense to me so I may rethink feeding that to my discus.
I forgot which issue it was in TFH that finally after years of breeding discus that he agrees that a quality pellet food provides everything discus need for long-term health and growth, now he can't state which food he recommends for fear of repercussions.
Tropical Fish Hobbist magazine is where Jack has his Q&A section, but I don't remember what issue it came from. But he finally conceded that pellets are the best way to provide nutrition and also stated frozen blood worms are one of worst food due to the skin causing irritation during digestion.
So it's a magazine. I'll check and see if I can find it on google.I'm very interested in reading it
I just posted this on another thread.. So I figured I might as well repost:

My latest discus juvies have doubled in size from 2" to nearly 4" in 3weeks. They are finally starting to recognize me and come rushing over when I feed them begging for food.

My setup: 4discus 30g long barebottom tank, they have a 55 and an 80g waiting for them as they grow... But for now, 30g is easier to clean. They are a very social fish, so they won't mind the tight spaces until they start pairing.

Their diet:
4x prime reef flakes (50+% protein) - electronic feeder
1x super color (40+% protein) -- in the morning
2x beef heart -- 2 hours before water change
1x blood worm during water change as a distraction

Also, they need ultra clean water for proper growth. So with all that food going through them, 50% water change daily.

Make sure you temp match the water... Ohh almost forgot: discus temp: 85F. Keep them there they are happier, more active, and hungrier. (faster metabolism)

My filters.. G6 & penguin 350 on a 30 gallon. Will remove the g6 soon although I like the combo as they don't generate a lot of water movement but are rated at 150g & 75g respectively. Plus the hob penguin generates high o2.

(There was more on the other thread, but irrelevant here.)
How many pwc would be needed if I have a 125g tank. 7 discus so would I really need it daily if my fish are doing great
No you certainly don't need to change water everyday(I would do them often enough to keep nitrates below 10ppm) but you asked us about growth well that's how it's done...water changes and lots of them.
It's not strictly about the nitrates.. Remember how much food we are talking about.. There is a lot of waste generated from feeding growing discus.

I've done it both ways, consequently I have one seriously stunted and three who have doubled in three weeks.

I've also heard some BS about the DWC (daily water changes) re-mineralizing the water.. Haven't decided if I agree yet.

But don't just take my advise... Do a search on simplydiscus.com. But then come back here!!
By your last couple of your posts you and I have drastically different ideas when it comes to feeding discus so I'll leave that for another thread.
HUKIT said:
By your last couple of your posts you and I have drastically different ideas when it comes to feeding discus so I'll leave that for another thread.

Always interested in different ideas.. Only way I learn better ways of doing things.
I don't have discus but give my fish Vita-Chem soaked food once weekly. I do the same with Garlic Guard. My fish are all vibrant and the tanks are healthy.
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