Distilled water??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 31, 2004
Hello to all..This is my first visit to Aquarium Advise.I am getting everything togeather to start up a 58 gal. reef.I have some questions.What about using distilled water,i thought that it was the purest water of all?What is the best substrate?Im going to use a HO filter and am thinking about a U.V. filter...Am i headed in the right direction???...Thanks Lee
A UV is probably not essential. Its one of those luxury items for treating diseases/ich/etc. With enough live rock you pretty much only need a skimmer. People generally don't like SeaClone and Red Sea Prizm, but do like Euroreef and AquaC. A biological filter can actually turn into a nitrate factory in the long run.

The fastest way to check the purity of the water is with a TDS (total disolved solids) meter. What is the source of the distilled water? A good home RO+DI unit can actually outperform most 'distilled water' you find at the grocery store/local MalWart, plus its easier than filling your car with bottles of water :) I have one of the eBay units from aquasafecanada. filterdirect is the other big seller.
Welcome to AA licreek!! Although I am relatively new to this forum, I've already gathered some invaluable information from the other generous hobbyists. You should also think about buying a good book to supplement the info you read on these forums. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner is great book that many recommend.

I agree with Theatrus that you probably don't need the UV. A sump with a good protein skimmer will be a better route to go. You should definately think about getting some live rock. About 1.5-2lbs per gallon, more if you can afford it. The LR should take care of a big portion of the bioload.

As for substrate, aragonite sand is highly recommended, although many others use CC. A 3" sand bed should be sufficient.

As for your water, distilled is an option although R/O water is probably a better route. Like theatrus recommended, you can pick up a good R/O DI filter from ebay for about $89 on ebay. I got mine from filterdirect. You'll save in the long run and make things easier for you when you do your water changes and topoffs.

HTH! Good luck with your tank and remember to be patient!! You'll probably hear that over and over again, but it's probably the best advice I've gotten. SW tanks take time for good things to happen. Do your research before you buy anything.
Two good pieces of advice from the german beer. 8) I like Miller Light, and will second that. :drinking:

Read the book and be patient. Of course reading the book shows patience in itself.
I can't tell you how corny and used those 2 pieces of advice must sound, but they are so true and will help you tremendously.

Good luck, and WELCOME!!!! :smilecolros:
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