Do guppies get lonely?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 16, 2012
I recently set up a small 3gal tank with a pair of fancy guppies but only have one alive after several replacements from PetSmart I decided to finally give up. I was wondering if anyone had some good suggestions about if a single guppy will be fine alone or should I get him a tank mate?
I think a 3 gallon is a little small also. But to answer your question, guppies can do okay on their own. But it's just like people-a friend is always nice.
I have 3 guppies in a 10 gallon and AqAdvisor says it isn't a good idea. Luckily, they're only in there for quarantine, and I'm doing daily water changes until they're out. They definitely need more space. Your 3 gallon would make a great shrimp tank! :)
IMO the one inch per gallon rule is not that bad if you research and discover what the minimum tank requirements are for your fish. However it is not to be trusted for goldfish or other messy fish.
Thanks for the advice. I just have one question maybe someone could clarify. How come the smaller tanks are marketed as good starters and good for office spaces ( where mine now is) and also why do the pet shops recommend fish like mollies, platys, guppies, betas etc for these tanks?
Good question. Maybe they're more interested in selling tanks than in the well-being of the fish?? I'm not sure why. :(
That's correct, it's more of a sales thing. They sell these neat little tanks fairly cheap and they are more of a novelty than anything, an impulse buy.

I agree with the others about stocking, I'd probably go with some dwarf shrimp in that size tank, since they don't need a heater.

And the short answer to your original question is no, fish don't get lonely.
All joking aside... I think fish do get lonely. I had pea puffer trio and when I noticed mating behavior I took out the opposite female and put her in 40g breeder planted tank and she hardly ate to moved. I put up a mirror on one end of tank and she started moving and eating like normal. So yeah I do think fish get lonely. Unless you have an aggressive fish ( like a betta ) having buddy would cool. I would NOT put any fish no matter the I've in a three gallon, but if you must keep your guy in there cut a piece of mirror the size of the back of the tank so he has an imaginary friend???
I 3g tank would be sufficient fir a betta in my opinion.. but no other fish

I personally think fish do get lonely! I know bettas are loner fish (due to aggression) and are hit or Mister in community tanks.. but I have a male betta in a 8g with a few neons and some shrimp and he loves his friends. yesterday he was trying to school with 3 of them. it was so cute:) I feel bad for lonely fish .. my shrimp even like friends! the 4 of them cuddle under a leaf every night
The big word for it is anthropomorphism, where human emotions are projected onto animals. I'm not a biologist, but my understanding is that fish and shrimp don't have the capacity to become 'lonely' as say, a human would.
Not necessarily "lonely" but some fish do much better in schools. You wouldn't have just one neon all alone, would you? No they are schooling fish. And when they are alone they get stressed out. They tend to hide and be timid. So they may not get lonely, but they do get stressed. Easy answer is get a bigger tank or put up a mirror. LOL
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