Here a link I find useful.
Would also check ph, ammonia and nitrates just in case. Extra water change as well also just in case.
Then food quality, date and amount fed.
Um, also if there are any other signs on fish eg pop-eye, scales missing, colour loss, dropsy.
Well tested water and 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and apeared to be a whopping 50 or so ppm nitrate. I find it hard to tell the exact amount with my Nutrafin liquid test kits. PH said around 7 or 7.5, but it always seemed to say that and ive had it tested elsewhere and read more like 7.8 (what our tapwater is around here). The nitrates shouldnt have been that high, i tested to see what it was at not too long ago and it was only at like 20ppm. Maybe the test drop mix wasnt quite right. I just did a large water change, around 60-70% to get that better. Now we read under 10 for nitrates. I tested twice this time to be sure. So im not sure if i was mistaking the previous reading as darker or what. Either way, things are low now if anything
She has been feeding them i tropical flake called TetraColor the last couple weeks. Before was an unnamed flake we got from a friend to start with, probably not the highest quality. We also started feediing a bottom feeder sinking wafer for the catfish, just in the last couple days so not a part of this.
I beleive the reason for this is the addition of new fish without a quarantine tank (i know, i know... we just dont have the means to keep a tank for that). She got the tetras around two weeks ago or so. Then the corries and 3 more rasboras (she had 4 before) just last weekend. Also as we added the last group we also removed some unwanted guppies so the bioload would be ok still. At the moment she has 3 guppies, 7 rasbora, 4 neon tetra, and 4 panda corries. Temp is set to 77*
Sigh so much to type... sorry guys :/ Anyways, i cant see any eyes popping out or scales flaring. However these fish are pretty small and i have never actually seen these sign before. Fish are all out and seem to be eating good. Aside from 3 of the corries stay hidden, which i figured was because they had to get used to things but could be a sign. The 4th has been out constantly swimming around.