Do I have to separate Kribensis parents?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 19, 2008
BC, Canada
My last attempting at breeding Kribs was moderately successful. Fry hatched, but then some got eaten, then the male died (which I can only assume was killed by the female), then the rest of the fry disappeared.

I've had a new Male in there for about a month now, and there has been lots of mating displays and a LOT of digging over the past couple days.

Today when I checked on them, the female was guarding the cave, she would barely leave it for food, only sneaking bites when they were close and zooming back to it. The male was at the other end of the tank and seemed to be afraid of her.

In fear of her killing another male, I have decided to remove him (which is no big deal, I have many tanks).

Is this common?
no expert but i think its not uncommon for the female to kill a few males. i think once they do work out they should be fine.
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