Do I need to worry?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
I have a domino damsal in my tank and he seems to of gotten ich or at least stess spots. Im sure hes gotten in because Iv been trying to catch him the last 3 days and have failed and I think its stressing him out. So i just said never mind ill get him out later when he becomes tame to the net again. because I got the other 2 out in about 10sec by snagging them when I fed them. However I missed him and he wised up real quick. However long story short do I really need to worry about this? I hear ich is in all systems for the most part and healthy fish can fight it off without issues. It really doesnt look like ich to me it looks more like stress spots, Iv had other fish get this in the past and it goes away in a few days if you fix the problem.
I would then try to find out what is stressing him out. Are your water parameters OK? Is he being picked on? This is all dependent on that it is not ich. If it is then it needs to be treated. This is also being moved to the SW sick fish forum.
My domino damsel has the same thing. Not sure what to do about. All my other fish are fine.
It's fading he has a few spots still but there's like 1/100th as many spots. They arnt raised so I know it's not ich they just look like stress marks. I'm sure it was from me trying to catch his pesky butt the last 3 days.
My advice is to stop trying to catch them and stressing them out! Feed them quality foods with some vitamins added like selcon. Keep them calmed down.
My advice is to stop trying to catch them and stressing them out! Feed them quality foods with some vitamins added like selcon. Keep them calmed down.

Im just going to get a hook and go fishing if my bottle trap doesnt work.

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