Do tailfins grow back?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2005
Texas USA
The other week, I had a comet goldfish go missing for several days. I eventually found him in the pond pump. His tail was mostly gone, but otherwise he seemed (relatively, considering his ordeal) ok. Today, I saw him sitting in one of the potted plants I have, not moving (although breathing) kind of tail up, head down. The only other fish I've seen do this usually didn't last long after that.

I separated him into a bucket and he seems to be swimming around and alert. So I guess my questions are, do fish "rest" by sitting in plants often? And what should I do about his missing fin (80% missing). Will it grow back? Should I keep it in a quarantine tank? Are there meds for such a thing?
Melafix works wonders for fin damage. Most pet stores carry it (buy the pond or pro strength--much better value), and it is a natural plant extract. Pimafix is good to have around too, in case a fungus sets in. It would be best to qt him. Be sure to keep his water very clean. Plant resting is normal.

is there anything else I can use..
I have a twin tail goldfish, and it dropped part of its tails, and the borders of the part it dropped are getting brown.. what could I do?
Thanks AG. I'm going to pick up a tank that my sister is currently not using. I'll buy the melafix tonight as well. Guess I'll be pulling daily pwc's for a while, but I do want him away from the other fish and the competition while he's recovering.
Have you checked the ph of the pond? It could be why the fish was sitting still. If the comet is otherwise healthy then it should recover completely by itself in good water parameters.

As for that fantail of igongora, who shouldn't steal a thread, your water parameters are probably way off. Your tank is way overstocked. My guess is the fish lost its tail due to ammonia poisoning or other chemical effects from the water. You need to get proper housing for your fish, get a filter, and get tests for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and ph.
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