Does anyone have Black Neons?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 23, 2004
I am looking for a different type of schooling fish and was wondering if anyone has Black Neons (scientific name: Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi). I was just wondering how they differed from other tetras.
Hi Mrs Peel, They are a wonderful schooling fish. Quite hardy and active. No special requirements. I have 20 in a well planted 125 gal
I;I've had them in the past too and thought they were good fish, and seemed pretty hardy to me. i didn't do anything special for them then when I had neons.
Black Neons [ Also known as Jumbo Neons, Black Jumbo Neons ] are quite hardy, Unlike their Neon Tetra brethren.
I just bought 5 neon tetras and 5 black neons; the blacks were perfectly fine and schooling around the tank within a few min and not one has died from shock, unlike the neons. Neons are so fragile! The blacks are cool, not as colorful cuz they don't have the red and blue, but they're still pretty :)
My lfs has them with cardinals and neons. they are not "neons" per se.
Those have very nice black and silver coloring and get the glow bars in a bluish tint like their larger cousins, the penguinfish. I plan on some eventually...
After a lot more research I am actually going to look into a different school of fish, since Black Neons have a mixed result with the display fish I want. So I'm going to be on the cautious side.
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