Does My Betta Look Okay?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 22, 2014
Treasure Coast
I just bought a crowntail betta yesterday, he seems super healthy and very feisty. He's in a 5 gallon aquarium and seems to be loving it.

I posted a pic on Facebook because he's beautiful (to me) and someone suggested that me may have fin rot, but I think he's supposed to look like this. I don't know all that much about bettas, so would love some confirmation.


Beautiful Crowntail. He looks good to me. If the ends of his fins start to fray or get fuzzy then I would be worried but he looks ok to me. Often they come from horrible conditions anyway so if there is something starting it should clear up now that he's in a better environment.
I think he looks great too, but since I don't know his history I wasn't sure. He is really digging his bigger space.
Your beta looks perfectly healthy. Whoever said he has fin rot has probably never seen a crowntail beta before and thinks he is a half moon with fin rot.
From the last hurricane I'm assuming? I don't really know much about the history of this area. We moved here because my husband is working at the Port St. Lucie Nuclear Plant..
From the last hurricane I'm assuming? I don't really know much about the history of this area. We moved here because my husband is working at the Port St. Lucie Nuclear Plant..
im not sure, it's just really polluted, I believe it had something to do with flushing out lake okeechobee and Kissimmee ??

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