Don't toss them, I want your algae covered plants!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 16, 2006
Paw Paw, MI
Hello, after I moved an algae covered anubias from my 29 gallon tank into my 55 gallon planted Red Cherry Shrimp tank last night I witnessed something that was rather remarkable. I set the anubias on top of my substrate and went to change out 15 gallons of water in my 29. I glanced over to the anubias and noticed that it was COVERED in a sea of red. After I changed the water I turned off the lights in my fish room and sat down on the couch for about 15 minutes. I went back to the 55 and I couldn't believe my eyes. Those tiny little shrimp had turned that algea covered anubias (even the roots were covered to begin with) into a sparkling "brand new" looking plant. It's as if all of the old leaves turned into shiny new leaves in a matter of 25 minutes. They even ate away the main part of a dead leaf leaving only the very outside part where the leaf was harder! I feed them at least 2 times a day too so I don't know why they were so hungry.

Anyway, if you have any plants that you are considering tossing, please let me know what you have and I may be interested in taking them off your hands. Low light plants such as java fern, anubias, and crypts with broad leafs are always welcome. They seem to attract the right kind of algea the my shrimp go for. Also, plants that look "dirty" and have a brown tinge to them will be loved by my shrimp as well. Thank you for looking and please keep this in mind the next time you trim your tanks! Send me a PM if you have some available.
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