Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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I have excess soft coral, too much for the LFS and it seems everyone, even novices are buying LPS and SPS. I hate to throw it out but have no options. New additions look great.
Offer it for free on craigslist. You'll make a lot of new acquaintances at the very least.

+ 1! That's how I found a neighbor was a reefer as well! Never know who you'll meet.
Well, the engineer goby has disappeared along with the algae blennie, as feared.:bawl:

Why did you predict their demise? The juvenile engineer gobies aren't easy to get to a size where they become really hardy. Did you know they don't have scales? And they aren't a goby, but their own species. I love mine.
Greg, I believe you live in Columbia Mo and I do also. I'd be more than willing to take any softies off ya that you don't want. :)
I found them. Both in the overflow box, unscathed.

That's the best place to find them. Had a small 6 line wrasse that thought he was Houdini. He made it thru 2 sumps (almost impossible, but there he was) and was painfully close to making the big trip into the pump pre-filter. I upped security and he has stayed in place. Those juvenile gobies can slid thru most overflow fences. Mine are both 12" and pretty belligerent to each other, even though their burrows are inches away. They hit the food just like Morays do.
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