dry fert suppliers in canada

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I used to get my stuff from a local hydroponics supplier (we have half a dozen in town, you should have lots in Pickering), but I have more creative sources:

You can also get KNO3 from Safeway (use to cure hams) or as stump killer (from gardening center), CaCl2 from a Chinese grocer (use to make Tofu from scratch), MgSO4 from any drug store, PO4 from fleet enama (drug store) or pHDown (lfs).

I get my trace from Rona (pond section in season). You can get pure trace mix for a bit more $$, but I bought Hydroponic fertilizer by PlantPlod which is a mix of trace plus low level of NPK. There is just enough P for me in the mix, and I add extra KNO3 to make up for the rest of the macro. I have enough Mg & Ca in the water so I don't need any.
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