Dry Ferts and Tap Water???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 31, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So I got my ferts yesterday, and I started making my solutions. I read on a website that you can use tap water for these solutions, as long as the water does'nt contain any of the nutrients you are adding because it will throw off your percentages. So I tested my tap water for nitrate, and it was at 0 so I assumed it was okay. After making my solutions and adding them to the aquarium for the desired amount, I tested the water. My phosphate test showed 1ppm, which is exactly what I dosed for. However, I dosed enough KNO3 for about 20ppm of nitrate, but when I tested my aquarium water it showed the level at 0. I ran the test twice and even added a little more fertilizer to see if it changed anything. Could there have been something in the tap water that reacted with the nitrate, and should I have used distilled water? Or could it be my test kit because I just bought it yesterday, so it may be defective.

Ideas? Should I start over and return the test kit?
I would reread the instructions on the Test Kit and make sure you are following them exactly. If you still get the same results, next I would look for the expiration date and make sure that you haven't bought a kit that's been sitting on the shelf too long. I've also read that there are some problems with a the reagent sitting, too long and that by giving it a really good shake you can get it to work correctly. Finally if you still aren't getting a reading, I'd take a water sample to the LFS to compare results.
It shouldn't affect a nitrate solution. I know with my nitrate test kit, instructions say to shake the reagent for 30 seconds, then shake the test tube for 2 minutes. How long did you wait after dosing? You may need to give it a couple of hours to turn over and mix in your tank so you get an accurate reading.
So I tried the test again and it still said 0 so I took the kit and some water to the store. When the store tested the water it said my nitrate was at about 10ppm, so I returned the test kit and got a new one. I did the test again with the new test kit, and the color was somewhere between the 5 and 10ppm color range, so I am pretty sure it is working. I shook the 2 test solution kit more vigorously this time, so maybe that made a difference. Anyways, it looks like it is working fine now, so thanks for all your help.

So I dosed yesterday, and depending on my tests tomorrow should I dose again? Do I dose the same amount that I originally did, even though there will still be some of the ferts in the water?

Thanks for the help and I will post some pics once the algae dies away. My anachris is growing like crazy, and it seems to be the only plant that continued to grow despite my nutrient problems.
Most people prefer to use distilled water with their fert mixes. The main reason for this is that since you have purer water to mix into, it can dissolve more minerals. If you have tap water with really high dissolved solids, it won't be able to dissolve the stuff you're wanting it to.
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