dsb and mandrain golbys

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 15, 2002
i read it is no good to put one in a dsb tank. is that true? i'm getting $100.00 worth of detriviore from hawiia on fri 1-17-o3. will i be feeding the golby a very expensive treat? if so i have to give it to my lfs. thanks walt 8)
Tank looks great!! I think there is a definite possibility that your new detrivore kit could wind up as a snack to the goby. Once the sand fauna has had a chance to reproduce there shouldn't be a problem. Or you could put the kit in the refugium and it would be safe from the goby, and some of the critters might make it to the sand bed in the tank as well.
thanks, but since the sand in the main tank is new i will put them there. this golby is going back to the lfs, or could i put him in my refugium, its not that big.
Mandarins require live food, copepods to be specific, which grow mainly on your LR, but also in the sand... Areas of lush algae are wonderful places for them to hunt. A copepod population sufficient to sustain a Mandarin takes about 8 months to become established on about 100lbs of LR...

I've had my Mandarin for about 8 months and he eats constantly, infact he's huntig a pod as I type this... The leading cause of death among Mandarins is starvation, so please, if your tank isn't at LEAST that old (or if the LR comes from a non-established source like mail-order), don't even consider a Mandarin yet, cuz it will die... Some people claim to have one that will eat prepared foods, I wish I were that fortunate... I've never seen one that would, and I doubt you will either..
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