Dwarf Gourami Profile

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011
Morristown, TN
Submitted By: adadkins1

Common Names:
Dwarf Gourami, Powder Blue Gourami, Dwarf Flame Gourami, Neon Blue Gourami
Scientific Name: Colisa lalia
Category: Gourami
Family: Osphronemidae
Origin: Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan
Maximum Size: 3.5 inches
Lakes and slow moving rivers dense with plants
Salinity: Freshwater
Temperment: Depends, but often docile
Diet: Omnivore
Temperature: 76*F - 82*F
pH Range: 6.0 - 8.0
Hardness: 5 - 19
Males are the most common sex sold, due to their bright and vibrant coloration. Males dorsal fin is pointed at the rear, while female's are more rounded.
Lifespan: 3-5 years
Minimum Tank Size: Keep only 1 Dwarf Gourami per 10 gallons since the males are highly territorial towards their own species.
Top-Middle dweller
Tankmates: Peaceful middle to bottom dwelling fish make the best companions for Dwarf Gouramis.

Acclimate Dwarf Gouramis slowly in order to prevent unneeded stress. Float the fish in the bag for about 30 minutes so it can get used to the temperature in your aquarium. Then remove about 50% of the water from the bag. Slowly replace the water removed with some from you aquarium. Do this in increments: replace about 10 % of the water with some from your aquarium then wait 20 minutes. Do this process until you have 50% original water and 50% of your water. This will allow the fish time to get used to the chemical properties of your water. Finally, carefully release your fish into the aquarium and enjoy.

Provide Dwarf Gouramis with a densely planted aquarium that is cycled. They are fairly sensative, so the more mature your aquarium is, the better. They are very skittish and will be stressed out by too much loud noise and vibrations, so it is best to keep them in a quiet area of your home. Tank mates for Dwarf Gouramis should not compete for the top level of the aquarium. Do be warned that some people have had problems with Dwarf Gouramis being agressive, while others have only experienced docile behavior. Also avoid strong currents from filters since they are more accustomed to slower moving water.

Dwarf Gouramis will eat fish flakes intended for tropical fish. They do however enjoy a varied diet made up of a combination of meat and vegetable matter. In the wild the fish grazes on algae, so occasionally feeding algae wafers/pellets is appreciated. Dwarf Gouramis will also enjoy meaty items such as blood worms, mosquito larvae,brine shrimp, etc.

Breeding: Dwarf Gouramis are bubblenest builders, and thus it is important to have gentle filtration if you want to breed the fish.

Refer to the "Sources" in order to better understand Dwarf Gourami breeding. I have no experience with it, but my Dwarf did build a bubblenest today.

Comments: I have had my Dwarf Flame Gourami for a couple months in my 10 gallon planted tank along with 9 Glowlight Tetras and 10 Ghost Shrimp. They are very skittish at first, mine freaked out every time I opened the door to the tank canopy to feed him. This went on for about the first week or two, but since then he knows exactly what it means when I open the door and he shoots out of the vegetation. If you introduce something like ghost shrimp in my case, make sure you watch how your Dwarf Gourami reacts. At first mine showed aggression to the shrimp, but now he leaves them alone...as long as they don't swim into "his" territory. Overall they are a great fish.

If you get a Dwarf Gourami, keep an eye out for Dwarf Gourami Disease, a.k.a. Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus. The disease is seen most often in fish that are bred in SE Asia. It is a fatal disease that can strike as soon as a few weeks, or up to a year after getting the fish. Please do research this disease and know where your LFS receives its fish before you buy a Dwarf Gourami.

Special thanks to these sources:

Aquatic Community
Animal World


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You can put an airstone in your aquarium, but most people do it purely for aesthetics (they like the looks of the bubbles). If your filter creates disturbance of the surface of your water, airstones are not necessary. However, if you want to put an airstone in...have at it. I don't think the fish care either way.
George9 said:
These are my favorite fish! They do get sick a lot though...

Good point. I used to have one that got dropsy. He's gone now....
This really stinks. I want to know what is causing all of these deaths. My DG is still doing fine, but the losses keep piling up. I warned my brother-in-law about the unpredictability of DG's health. He got one anyway, so hopefully he has better luck.
adadkins1 said:
This really stinks. I want to know what is causing all of these deaths. My DG is still doing fine, but the losses keep piling up. I warned my brother-in-law about the unpredictability of DG's health. He got one anyway, so hopefully he has better luck.

Me 2, I had one die on me last weekend :( got a pair this weekend and so far so good, I thought the male was acting strange but I've been told it's normal behaviour. Hopefully this pair will be with me for a while :)
Chris22 said:
Me 2, I had one die on me last weekend :( got a pair this weekend and so far so good, I thought the male was acting strange but I've been told it's normal behaviour. Hopefully this pair will be with me for a while :)

:( just got home from work and my male is dead :( gutted ain't the word. What is wrong with these dwarf gouramis??
I got some about a week ago, both gone. Iv never herd of this DG disease can somone tell me the symptoms
Long life

Strange I had a pair in my Tank about 15 years ago and they where really happy. They also bred like crazy using the feeder ring on the surface to build their bubble nest. I think they died of old age. This disease must be new. I guess who knows what comes out of those fish farms.:eek::eek:
Definitely something up with these dwarfs, great looking fish 2 it's a shame :( not sure whether to try another or not now. If I do it'll have to be another pair so I'll have 1 male to 2 female.
Definitely something up with these dwarfs, great looking fish 2 it's a shame :( not sure whether to try another or not now. If I do it'll have to be another pair so I'll have 1 male to 2 female.

Well, No drama, there are so many other fish available including Gouramis, that not having Dwarfs is not worth the risk or a great loss.:)
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