Dwarf gouramis in community tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 2, 2014
Awhile ago I got two male dwarf gouramis for my 10gal and ended up having to split them up because I was told they would fight till one died. I was wondering how they would do in a 55 gallon community tank. I was hoping to move everything from my 10 gallon to the 55. The other 10 gallon is my moms and she wants guppies which I've heard won't do well with DG. Any suggestions?
If you had a 55 you should be fine I think. My parents had 2 DGs in a tank, but they were different kinds from different LFSs, and they did fight to the death in that 10 gallon. They even lived at opposite ends of the tank. In a 55, I think they'd have enough room to avoid each other, esp if they are same species from same tank.
If you had a 55 you should be fine I think. My parents had 2 DGs in a tank, but they were different kinds from different LFSs, and they did fight to the death in that 10 gallon. They even lived at opposite ends of the tank. In a 55, I think they'd have enough room to avoid each other, esp if they are same species from same tank.

Do you think they'd bully any of the other fish? The tank isn't even running yet I just want to make sure before I figure out what to stock it with.
My parents had them with an angel some platys and some neon tetras, and they bullied none of those.

To be honest tho, my things is tiger barbs and cory cats...
My parents had them with an angel some platys and some neon tetras, and they bullied none of those.

To be honest tho, my things is tiger barbs and cory cats...

They're fine with my rummy nose tetra in a 10gal so I think they'll be okay
Gouramis should be kept with 1 male with 2 or 3 females.

If they don't have their own kind in the tank they can be aggressive to other tank mates.

A lot depends on the fish itself and its personality. I have a blue gouramis aka 3 spot. They are said to be aggressive and not idea for community tanks. The one I have is a puppy of all fish. So docile and friendly its weird.

So it really depends.

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Gouramis should be kept with 1 male with 2 or 3 females.

If they don't have their own kind in the tank they can be aggressive to other tank mates.

A lot depends on the fish itself and its personality. I have a blue gouramis aka 3 spot. They are said to be aggressive and not idea for community tanks. The one I have is a puppy of all fish. So docile and friendly its weird.

So it really depends.

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I'm really frustrated that no one told me this when I was buying them! I was at a fish specialty store and talked to several of the workers?
They won't bother anyone else if you have an appropriate mix of them. Three males, five females. Which is what I have, in addition to a dozen danios and about 18 neon tetras. They're incredibly passive. None of my fish bother any other fish that isn't their own. The gourami will chase each other off, but not harm each other.

I learned a hard lesson keeping two DG males in a 5g. Don't do that. If they have space, at least 10g each, they should be cool. Adding females definitely helps to make gourami more docile, peaceful, and better community tank mates.

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DG personalities are highly dependent upon space allotted and fellow gourami. And fellow tank mates. The activity of my danios also tends to settle them down.

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I have a regular male DG, a flame male DG, a blue male DG, three blue females, two regular females. The blue females are just as colorful as the males (minus the stripes, size, and size of their feelers). They seem a bit racist in that the blues stick together, and the regular stick together. Occasionally the females intermix and hang out. The males definitely don't like the presence of any other male in their vicinity, but in my tank is not a big deal. Especially with lady gourami to pursue.

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I have a regular male DG, a flame male DG, a blue male DG, three blue females, two regular females. The blue females are just as colorful as the males (minus the stripes, size, and size of their feelers). They seem a bit racist in that the blues stick together, and the regular stick together. Occasionally the females intermix and hang out. The males definitely don't like the presence of any other male in their vicinity, but in my tank is not a big deal. Especially with lady gourami to pursue.

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How do you think they'd do with two female DG and one male? Maybe I can get the store to take one back.
How do you think they'd do with two female DG and one male? Maybe I can get the store to take one back.

That would be an appropriate mix. With dg you really have to go big or go home. Either a lot of them or very very few. It can also be nearly.impossible to find females at times so you're going to have to deal with that as well.
1 male 2 female will work if you can find dwarf females.

They are generally not colorful like the males, more grey.

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I found some online but I'm worried about shipping and such! I know my uncle has bought fish offline before so I'll check with him.
I'm also very indecisive so all of this might change very quickly, and several times!
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