Dying dwarf gourami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2005
Southampton, UK
One of my dwarf gourami's is dying and im worried about the rest of the tank now. Let me answer the questions on the sticky for this forum and hopefully someone can help me out.

1. Its a "sunset" dwarf gourami I think. I found him/her this afternoon lying on the bottom of the tank in my little bogwood cave. The poor devil seems to be "panting" as a dog would so may be struggling for breath. Colouration has changed so the top half of the fish is now black. Yesterday I noticed this fish had a really long(twice the length of the fish) stringy poo. I have found one tiny white raised mark on the side of this fish. Its trying to swim but cant get of its side.

2. Tank params
Nitrate 30 mg/L
Nitrite 0 mg/L
GH 16d
pH 7.6
These parameters are what I normally read for this tank.

3. Tank size
20 gallon tall
24" * 12"(wide) * 18"(tall)
Ive had this tank around four years now

4. Filter
Fluval 2+
105 gph
Ive had this filter in since christmas to replace my ugf

5. Fish
1 zebra danio (the last of the original fish 4 years ago)
1 x-ray tetra (about the same age)
2 sunset dwarf gourami's (about 2 months old)
6 peppered corys (about 1 month old)
4 hi-fin platy's (about 2 weeks old)
The platy's have recently been breeding

6. pwc
Did a 20/25% change yesterday
vac'ed 1/2 the gravel last week
pwc's are weekly sometimes more if nitrates seem high

7. Fish's age has been given in answer to 5. All fish were introduced by floating the bag for around 30 mins then adding some tank water and leaving for 15mins then letting the fish swim free of the bag.

8. New decor
I added a piece of bogwood and some pebbles about a week ago to make a little cave for the corys to shelter in.

9. Food
Aquarian tropical flake
King brittish catfish pellets
Hikari sinking wafers
Frozen daphnia

Phew, I feel like ive bared my soul lol

Oh nearly forgot to say I have the sick fish in the bowl I use for doing pwc's filled with some tank water.


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He definitely looks poorly. Your nitrates are a bit high at 30, but I highly doubt that is what is afflicting this fish, as fish rarely show reaction to nitrates below 50. It is possible that you have an internal bacterial or parasitical infection....If you possibly can, I would isolate this fish in a quarantine aquarium immediately, aerate the water, bring up the temperature a couple of degrees, and start with an anti-parasitical treatment (Jungle produces a couple of good ones).
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