easiest plant to care for

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 17, 2004
Long Beach, CA
any plants where i can just throw them in and not worry aout the kind of light i have? maybe like hornwort, java fern, java moss, etc...
Aponogeton bulbs from wally-world. some were flowering within a week. 8 out of 8 bulbs are growing.
I plan on getting a java fern later.
Fruitbat said:
I'll second the vote for Hornwort. Tough plant to kill!

I didn't want lots of snails eating my hornwort so I added some snail-killer. It didn't kill the snails but it did kill the hornwort. Go figure.

I really like walmarts aponogeton bulbs. In my experience they will do great at first but after several months they start dying. I upgraded the lights, substrate and fertilizer and they are doing better again. I am guessing they have plenty of nutrients stored in the bulb a will grow almost anywhere for a few months, but then will need more help.

Anacharis is my personal favorite "easy" plant. I think it looks more appealing than hornwort. just my 2 cents.
I can go figure that. It most likely contained copper. And copper is hard on most aquatic plants.
I rather prefer the anacharis to the hornwort too.. hornwort is just kind of.. I don'tknow know.. sleazy-looking (is it possible for a plant to look sleazy?)
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