easy plants for beginner

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 30, 2004
Tifton Ga
I tested my nitrates and they are at 40 ppm. Nitrites and ammonia are undetectable or at least don't result in color changes on my kits. I will probably do a PWC tonight. I can't help but think that plants would help with the nitrates. What are good plants for a beginner? I have a UGF so it may be a problem. I let the light stay on about 12 - 14 hours a day. I see some small containers that hold plant roots. Would they help? I've got YoYo loaches, clown loaches, black ruby barbs and blue rams. I'd like some low maintenance, good looking, plants that are both floating/suspended and anchored.
What type of lighting do you have? How many watts? What size tank?

Some good plants for beginners are Java fern, Anubias, Hornwort, Anacharis, some Vals.

With the Java fern and Anubias you don't even have to plant them. You can tie them to a log or some other decoration and they will do fine like that. Horwort you can use as a free-floating plant.
Is this for the 29 gal?

If so, and considering the UGF and the loaches (that like to root around in the substrate) then you can consider hornwort, a floating plant that you can tie to structures and it looks like a rooted plant, though it should not produce roots at all. You can also get some java fern and java moss, though they are more slow-growing and won't impact your nitrates too much. Water sprite is another one that is fast growing and will suck up the nitrate, along with hygro, and none of these need particularly high light, though you need close to 2wpg at least.
29 gallon

It is the 29 gallon. I'll look into Java fern and hornwort.
I am having lots of luck with my Wisteria also and I am definitely in the newbie catagory as far as plants go. Just make sure to buy a decent plant bulb and get your wattage to at least 1-2 watts/gal.
I used to have some hygro in a 30 gal. It grew so fast with only 40 watts that I almost couldnt keep up with it.
I have anubias nana and barteri along with java fern and some kind of sword plant in my 29 gallon. My fish really like the broad leaves of the anubias. I attached one of them to a rock and stuck the other one in the gravel, but they don't have to be planted in gravel- good choice for an UGF. The java ferns are attached to my driftwood.
I have Vallis in a 20g tank which does not even have any fish in it, and totally
ridiculous lighting (15W which has been running wayyyyy too long), and they are
still multiplying like rabbits. :D
You might want to consider anacharis over hornwort. Hornwort is easy to grow, but if it loses the "needles" it can be a pain. I grew anacharis in my 29 gal with the standard 20 watt bulb and it did fine. You can either float it or plant it, its not picky at all.

Along with the plants already mentioned, many of the Cryptocoryne species will do very well under low light conditions and some of the readily available ones (like Cryptocoryne wendtii) are relatively easy to grow.

For my money, you can't go wrong with Water Sprite - either planted in the substrate or floating.

I wrote profiles for Wendt's Crypto and Water Sprite for Aquarium Advice. Check the Profiles section.

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