Egg yolk or Infusoria for Praecox

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 1, 2013
Michigan USA
So since I just finished my QT process on my snowflake eel for my reef tank I am looking for something to do with that spare 10g tank and I am considering trying to breed my praecox rainbows in there.

My question is: Is egg yolk an acceptable substitute for infusoria for fry as small as rainbows?

I currently have a healthy vinegar eel population to sustain them when they get bigger, but I am aware that those are too large for newborn fry.
IME egg yolk is messy, I prefer infusoria. Would the fry be too small for rotifers?

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IME egg yolk is messy, I prefer infusoria. Would the fry be too small for rotifers?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

From all I've seen infusoria is about the biggest food you want to feed them.
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