emerald crab and anenomes?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 18, 2005
Titusville PA
my purple tip anenome started losing its tips shortly after I added some emerald crabs to my tank this morning I see the anenome has no tenticals at all and it looks like its dead. I think the crabs did it? I was wondering if I should get them out of my tank before they get my other anenome. Also my mushroom is shrinking it looks like he is being eaten. I think its the crab as well.

if you think I should get rid of the crabs how do I catch them?
I have so much live rock I just cant come close to him
So far my emerald hasn't done that to my anenome. He actually likes to hide behind the tentacles and just chill out there. I hope that my emerald doesn't start. Sorry for your loss and good luck
Crabs are a hit and miss animals. Very unpredictable. You could try catching them using a tilted glass with some type of meaty food in the bottom. Like a piece of raw shrimp. Good luck.
My two have not shown any signs of eating any of my anemones or corals. They come out at feeding time and then I never even see them again.
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