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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2003
I gave one of my friends a 20G tank that I had day before yesterday. Also gave him the tank gravel, some plants, two minnows and a guppy. This has greatly created a lot of breathing space in my living room making it more comfortable.

For a long time I didn't admire my fish as keeping them had become a chore.

Today, I observed my Gold fish again closely and was admiring them in the evening. They seemed stressed and were swimming in a slightly jerky fashion. I offered them food (normally feed them only once a day). However, still this behaviour continued. Some also were yawning.

So, I decided to change the water. Lo and behold, it was very dirty indeed !!! It is only about two to three weeks since I changed the water. I feed my fish presently only once a day and a lot lesser than before. Still surprised how it got dirty so fast. Also cleaned the sides of the glass. Since, I have just only one tank, from now onwards, I have decided to clean this tank every two weeks or so regularly. Ever since a previous bad incidence I ahve become more careful but still I have some more distance to cover in this regard. The Vallisneria plant that was so quiet in this tank has begun putting out a lot of runners now (probably as the summer is approaching fast, there is no artificial lighting for this tank).

The tank is on a table where I can read in front of it. Feels like I am in an island reading !!! My piece of real estate in paradise !!!

I have had a lot of uncertainity and changes in life. Who knows what the future holds ? If ever I got the room and more stability, then I feel that I would enjoy just one bigger tank like 55G. I might not increase the number of fish though as it would need less frequent changing of water then. On the other hand, I would probably have a mound and decorate that tank very well. This however, is only for the very long term.

Best Regards,

Vijay :D
Good for you Vijay!

Sometimes life is rough, and all sorts of things can make you not feel like doing your tank up-keep, but as you can see it is well worth it! If all you have time and energy for is the one tank right now, that is just fine. Enjoy that one, it is better than dropping out of the hobby altogether. Glad you are happier with your fish now.
The tank is on a table where I can read in front of it. Feels like I am in an island reading !!! My piece of real estate in paradise !!!
That sounds wonderful. Enjoy your "new" found friends!
corvuscorax said:
Good for you Vijay!

Sometimes life is rough, and all sorts of things can make you not feel like doing your tank up-keep, but as you can see it is well worth it! If all you have time and energy for is the one tank right now, that is just fine. Enjoy that one, it is better than dropping out of the hobby altogether. Glad you are happier with your fish now.

This is very true. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Actualy having lesser fish is great. The upkeep is a lot lesser. Moreover, should I have a lot of stress from other sources, I can always relax with my fish now.

Vijay :)
That is what it is all about, rvijay07. More frequent water changes are more work, but for me they have prevented illness and other problems and it is worth it in the long run. Goldfish are especially high waste producers, so it is wise to increase your water changes for them.

I have my 2 larger tanks flanking my desk, and since I have a home business I can watch the fish all day - really a wonderful escape!
At the start of my hobby, several had suggested that I add just one or two fish to this 20G tank. Now, I see how true that was. Maintenance time has tired me so much and has almost made me drop my hobby. However, I am glad that I downsized to my correct capacity for all the otehr pets/fish I ahd.

Getting the right sized tank for the space available, preparing/stocking/decorating/maintaining it well is an art/science. I am still learning it.

Vijay :D

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