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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2011
ive got a amazon biotope, general readings total hardness 5mg/litre, pH6.0. i entrusted my neighbour to feed my fish whilst ive been on holiday my ammonia is 0...

typically he overfed them and now my ammonia is 30mg/l...

my fish look ok, but would it pose an immediate threat to them water is not murky and i dnt want to do a water change coz i did one before i went on holiday, as its only been a week and i dnt want to stress them out further.

please help i dnt know what to do?

i feel i need to take some water out but im thinkin of the fish and dnt want them to get poorly if i leave it for a couple of weeks?:confused::confused::confused:
I would do an immediate Partial water change do get the ammonia down as low as possible, Doing a water change is not as stressful on the fish than having ammonia in the aquarium.

If you ammonia is still present for the next few days, I would recommend to keep doing 1 PWC everyday until the Ammonia is completely gone.

What test kit are you using?
+1 on the PWC. The ammonia is stressing your fish far more than a PWC will. "When in doubt, do a PWC" is a statement to live by if you have fish in your tank.
30?! Really, not 3?
That is mega high and your fish will be dead within days if you don't act.

Do a 50% water change, wait a few hours then do it again. Even that will only get you go 7.5 which is still high. Do two changes per day until you are below 0.25. Ammonia that high may have damaged your filter bacteria too.
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