Ensuring a happy homecoming

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Sad to say I think I've lost the male he isn't gone yet but I have him in a net by the filter output to get some flow. I don't think he's gonna make it.


He was a beautiful fish even on his deathbed
That's good. The other male was super stressed during his transport. The odds were against him from the time he was delivered. Glad the female is coping and hopefully she may encourage the new guy when he arrives.
Still stressed no eating well stomach is kind of sunk in. I have moved her into a plastic cage with just a rock to weigh it down so I can monitor her eating.


Also eyes look a little cloudy. Any help is appreciated. Tips on getting her to eat. Water quality is pretty good. Ph 7.0 Trites 0 trates >20 she's been getting nls Cichlid food, frozen brine and bloodworms. Cobalt flakes. So far the blood worms and flakes are all I've seen her it and its like one worm and one flake whenever I feed her.
I haven't received the mail yet, I'm assuming he was sent out yesterday. She's doing better ate a bunch of blood worms last night and seemed interested in pellets today. I hope she making a turn around for me.
I had about 7-10 pellets on the rock in her temporary cage. I added a 1" female krib cause it was picking on my female apistogramma cacatuoides in another tank. Within a few minutes all the pellets were gone. I think having someone with her is helping her out.
Yeah I would think you're right. Does her belly look less sunken? Sometimes you see fish for sale with sunken bellies and the area on their head starts to show bone. I think those poor fish are doomed and as sorry as I feel for them I would never purchase them. It's like throwing away your money. I like my fish nice and fat ;-)
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