Ensuring a happy homecoming

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Well good news is she is finally eating good, bad news is she has pop eye. It was hard to tell since her eyes were kinda buggy when i got her. I hope it's not to late to reverse it. I have started treating with Epsom salt. I added 1 table spoon per 10
Gallons this morning. By tonight her eyes looked a little better. I did a 50% change since it was needed and dosed again. Tomorrow will be a smaller water change and so on until I see she is more normal looking.
Finally she looks normal defiantly the best I've seen her. I'm excited now for the male to arrive. Really can't wait for the male!
Rams as it is can be very delicate when it comes to water parameters and food. Now you have wild caughts which From my experience require live food and soft water. At least lower than a 7 ph. Good luck.
She's coming off just as strong as any other ram I own. My ph is 7.0 feeding on nls pellets from the start, also takes flakes and bloodworms. People don't give rams the credit they deserve when it comes to toughness.
Yea! She's getting used to me having to reach in the water to open her "bubble" then drop food in so she's not afraid when I approach at all.
Yea still not sure if he has shipped out, seller has great communication sometimes and not so great other times. Last week he waited till Wednesday to tell me they weren't shipping and I wasn't sure if I should be waiting for them or not. So I'm not sure what's going on either
Yea Chicago has the strangest weather in the world one day it 89 the next is 73 like today. Sometimes it's in the 70s in the winter a week later it snows 4" lol
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