External Filtration for Biocube

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 5, 2020

Has anyone or does anyone know of somebody that has either added a canister filter or rigged a HOB onto a Biocube ? I am really not thrilled with the filtration it offers. I have the InTank media basket with the floss, Purigen, and Chemipure. Biocubes are new to me, I am use to having double the filtration required. While all my parameters are consistent, I would like better filtration. This is freshwater FYI.


Help me out here. I looked up the biocube on Amazon here.
Is this the correct one?
If yes, it looks like one side of the filter is media, the other side on the pump. Looks like it pulls water from the top of the media, down and to the other side with the pump and then up and out? Is this correct?
All you have to do is replace all the media side with simple pot scrubbies. As many as you can cram into that area in mesh bag(s) for easy removal and a simple rinse under water every 4-6 months. No need for any other filter.
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