Extremely sick Angels

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Jarred Darque

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 24, 2006
29 gallon tank
@150 gph filtration between two HOBs, 1 @ 125gph, 1 @ 25gph
Temp is 81*F
Params where slightly high in all aspects (NH3, NO2, NO3) have started to bring tank under control (not my tank, :p, the owner wasnt taking proper care..i.e. wasnt doin enough water changes and wasnt cleaning out the gravel when she did do them)

So far, we have lost and Angel fish and a Cory cat, both of which where my fish for 6 months until they got moved, along with 4 more angels 2 months ago. The angel to die was the largest, at about 3 inches, the remaining are between .75-1.5 inches body length.
I moved the fish out of my tank due to aggresion from my Senegalus Bichir, he had taken many chunks out of hte angels tails, and left a nasty mark on the large angel. After a month in the new tank, all of the angels showed improvement in their fin regrowth, but the large angel did not show any improvement with his sore, but it did not get worse. About a month later, it started turning red, and then he started getting sores around the rest of his body, looked like missing scales and white patches. The worst of the new sores was over his gills, it seemed to eat completely through the gill plate. He died. A few days later, a cory cat, the largest one, started showing similiar signs, along with on his underbelly it looked like a pair of fins was completely ripped off. He died a few days later.

At about the same time the cory started looking bad, the next largest angel did as well. He now has the same spots over his body, and the holes in his gill plates are about 1.5mm across, and they appear to go clean through to his gills.
Half of his lip is missing as well, but I feel this is from fighting with another similiar sized angel who is also missing part of his lips, but not showing any other signs of illness.

My only guess is that injuries caused by fighting lead to a secondary infection that was promoted by poor water conditions, but this does not explain the cory cat getting sick.

I have been treating the tank for 5 days now with MAracyn 1 and 2, per directions, and with carbon removed from filters. There are so far no visible signs of improvement, but further signs of deterioration have slowed down. the remainder of the fish appear to be fine, except one small cory cat whose tail seems chewed on. He wont slow down enough for me to tell otherwise. The pleco (6in) and apple snail where removed and placed into my tank for safe keeping
Not exactly sure what your question is. Your tank sounds very overstocked and seems to have a problem with aggression as well as issues with the water - with all that the fish may have been so stressed that they because highly immunodeficient. Can you answer the questions in the sticky "read this before you post to this forum" .... it would really help.
You should never have a Bichir with Angels..I have a 100 gallon aquarium for 4 angels even that sometimes doesn't seem like enough room. A 29 gallon aquarium should not have more than 2 Angels .They need 10-15 gallon per fish when they are adults
these fish are only 1/3 size right now, still pretty small (and dont say it is cause they ar ein too small a tank, they where in a 75 right before this)

And for the bichir with an angel, that is actually hit or miss. the reason that I had problems was that there was a fish in the tank that was slightly aggressive towards the bichir, but passive towards the angels. he was removed to go to a private pond, and then the bichir started gaining aggression, and with no other semi-aggressive fish in the tank, he had free reign (another bichir would have stopped or at least slowed his aggresion to passive fish)
it sounds to me like tuberculosis or some kind of septicimia. I would be dosing and feeding antibiotics. Probably going to need to treat both tanks.

It could be parasitic, but from what you have described, it sounds like septicimia.
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