F8 Puffer - 5gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 16, 2012
Thought I'd make use of an old 5 gallon so I bought a Figure 8 puffer.



The sand is "live caribbean sand" 5lbs for $10.00.


Small tank, nothing spectacular, but it's a lot of fun. He eats frozen blood worms, pieces of tuna fish, and pond snails from a breeding container inside my 20 long.


Dont even bother trying flakes, pellets, or wafers. And yes they will bite you, it feels like a parakeet bite.
Not to burst your bubble, it is a beautiful fish. But it will need about a 15 gallon aquarium. Yes, puffers are small but they really need heavy decorations/plants and lots of space, or they will get bored; they're incredibly smart creatures.

I know 2.5 inches of fish seems just out of this world for 15 gallons, but it is according to their happiness, not ours.
So what happens when he gets bored, will he just leave or will he let me know first? Thanks for the constructive advice I will monitor his behavior.
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Well it isn't only his boredom, his bio load is too huge for a 5g.

In my experience, puffers pace up and down the glass when bored.
He does pace up and down the glass occasionaly which I assumed was just waiting for food to fall. I agree with the bio load as his snail droppings accumulate rapidly. My space is limited as well as my wallet. A buddy at work has offered a 10 gal for free in the past, its no 15 gal but it will be twice as good as what he has now. Thank you again.
As long as you're diligent with your water changes, I think a 10 gal would work fine, especially if it is longer rather than taller. Just as long as you're working towards a good environment :)
Most definately. My fish have become my passion. And thank you again for the friendly advice. Sometimes hard to swallow when you think your doing good work, but always appreciated.
SiameseCat said:
Most definately. My fish have become my passion. And thank you again for the friendly advice. Sometimes hard to swallow when you think your doing good work, but always appreciated.

No problem. I, unfortunately, did something worse. I unknowingly kept a GSP in a 5gal FW tank. Very very very bad. The people here helped me figure out what to do. I love puffers now. I hope to get a DP soon because all I keep are nano tanks ^^.
With anything less than 15g, the f8 will live in very poor water condition. Premature death is a common result these poor water condition.
Aww man you guys are killing me (better me than the fish right, lol). I do love my puff, maybe ill invest in another 20 long and make him super happy.
As I said, if you're diligent, and he is the only inhabitant in a well planted tank, you could pull it off.

Yes they're dirty. But it isn't cut and dry if he is in a 15g he will live and a 14g he will die. It doesn't work like that.

You should invest in a bigger tank, but if you simply can't, you'll have to do maybe daily or bi daily water changes and definitely daily water testing.
You should invest in a bigger tank, but if you simply can't, you'll have to do maybe daily or bi daily water changes and definitely daily water testing.

Not ideal to be doing these water changes every day, especially with pre-mixing Brackish water. Its a hassle to be doing them everyday.

Best care is the easiest proper care.
The only Puffer for a 5 gallon is ONE Dwarf Puffer. They, only being an inch or less when adult, still need at least 5 gallons by themselves. Maybe if your lfs is nice enough, you can return your Figure 8 and pick up a DP. Worth a shot!
Terrence, I didn't say it was ideal. The OP stated he was short on money and space.

I stated it was possible. Thanks..
I understand totally what everyone is saying. I already agree by not only your advice, but my personal week of experience. Anyone who can't see this fish is obviously bored in a 5gal shouldnt have one. Ceej, I already thought about the dwarf pea puffer, they did have a few when I bought the f8. If they wont swap with me I will buy (another) 20 gallon long. My Petsmart has the packaged 20gal for like 36.00. Its cheaper to buy with all the extra stuff and sell what you dont need on craigslist.
SiameseCat said:
I understand totally what everyone is saying. I already agree by not only your advice, but my personal week of experience. Anyone who can't see this fish is obviously bored in a 5gal shouldnt have one. Ceej, I already thought about the dwarf pea puffer, they did have a few when I bought the f8. If they wont swap with me I will buy (another) 20 gallon long. My Petsmart has the packaged 20gal for like 36.00. Its cheaper to buy with all the extra stuff and sell what you dont need on craigslist.

I love that idea :). You could always get a super small tank and get 1 DP. Lol.

I just setup a 2g for shrimp, but I'd almost sac the shrimp for a DP, as I know this tank would be perfect for him. Check out my Invert Only Fluval Spec build :)
Yes, great idea! $36 is cheap. My Petsmart is way more expensive!
*updated, w/pics* After much appreciated advice I ended up trading my f8 back to the lfs for 2 dwarf pea puffers. I housed them in the 5 gal for a couple days then moved them into a 10. I decorated as per Puffer Homes and Gardens magazine. They seem happy so far and get along like best buds. Until someone finds a snail that is.





And here they are about to throw down for that snail (in old 5 gal)...

What a great habitat! You could probably get 2 more, to be honest
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