fairly new to bettas

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totally different question.... was doing his water change and he decided to jump out of his cup and i didnt have the water back in his tank yet or even water conditioner in it... so i got water in his tank ASAP and the conditioner then the water temp spiked then i got it cooled down and now he looks likes hes got a light silver/whitish streak down his body and damage to his fins... his water temp is back down to 78 which is what i usually keep it at... just wondering what to watch for....
he jumped out right next to the cupon the counter in the kitchen... at first he was breathing heavy and his gills seemed to be opened farther than normal but as soon as the water temp went back to 80 that stopped... hes swimming fine now just seems to be resting more often

i cant help it im a mom first and he made my heart stop... lol :fish2:
We had a betta that got excited almost every time we changed its tank, and ended up on the counter more than a couple times. Usually they're just fine!
dancersmama79 said:
he jumped out right next to the cupon the counter in the kitchen... at first he was breathing heavy and his gills seemed to be opened farther than normal but as soon as the water temp went back to 80 that stopped... hes swimming fine now just seems to be resting more often

i cant help it im a mom first and he made my heart stop... lol :fish2:

Oh that's good! If he fell to the floor he could have suffered internal injuries but he sounds fine. :) maybe next time put a net or something over the cup to prevent it.
Do NOT place his cup next to a sink!!!
I had a betta in a bowl as a kid next to a sink and it jumped down the drain and died!
Do NOT place his cup next to a sink!!!
I had a betta in a bowl as a kid next to a sink and it jumped down the drain and died!

So sad :(
I always triple check to water I've siphoned from the tank for stray zebra danios before I pour it out...I sucked one up once, but saw him in there right away!
So sad :(
I always triple check to water I've siphoned from the tank for stray zebra danios before I pour it out...I sucked one up once, but saw him in there right away!

I put the end of my hose in a small colander and watch it to make sure I don't suck up any shrimp.
i have an island in my kitchen away from the sink so that helps... once i get him in the 5 gal tank and start using the gravel cleaner i wont have to take his tank in there all the time and i will be getting a proper place to keep him while im doing that for now i have to just use a clear cup... thankfully i dont set it close to the edge... this is my first extensive experience trying to keep an aquarium and keeping myself informed so im learning as i go and i appreciate all the tips and info on here... :) im like a sponge soaking up all this information and expieriences shared from others on here.. :)
Sisserydoo said:
So sad :(
I always triple check to water I've siphoned from the tank for stray zebra danios before I pour it out...I sucked one up once, but saw him in there right away!

Yeaahh, the funny part is his name was free willy,And that kinda mimicked the final scene where he jumps over the rock wall into the ocean,only mine jumped over a wall into the sink...
Man i loved that movie.
So dancer is overall doing fine except that when i put my finger at the top of his water to feed him bloodworms he cant fully flare his gills like he normally does... its like he tries and they only flare partial but not fully... but i guess if i had jumped on the counter and landed on my side out of water id not be 100% either... hes still eating and taking food from me and swimming normal and resting in his plants and next to his heater like he usually does and still following me when i have him follow my finger from one end to the other... hes still showing off his fins and surfacing to breathe... just watching him more closely today:fish2:
Mumma.of.two said:
He should be ok (hopefully). Just watch for heavy or fast breathing, clamped fins or any other odd behavior. He might not be 100% for a couple of days. Did he fall far?

Mumma what is the definition of clamped fins?
i know im not Mumma, but clamped fins from what ive seen are where the bettas have their fins down close to their body not showing them off like they normally do. my dancer has done that before when ive used melafix with him when he had fin rot and as soon as i changed his water and didnt use it he was back to normal. ive also heard of bettas doing that when they are stressed or sick... hope this helps :) Amy
the dec picture is one of dancer right after i got him... the other 2 are ones i took a few minutes ago and u can tell how much his fins have grown back and how much healthier he looks... :fish2:


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dancersmama79 said:
ive also heard of bettas doing that when they are stressed or sick... hope this helps :) Amy

Is fin clamping ONLY a betta behaviour?
Mumma.of.two said:
When the fins are folded in/down on themselves, not spread out (like when the fish is swimming). All fish do it when something is up.

I thought so i have seen lots of fish do this in one very poorly sumped LFS. :(
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