Fake plants and anemones ?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 26, 2017
I'm starting up a preferably fowlr tank. I was just wondering if it would be safe to have invertebrates such as the emerald crab or sea urchins which eat algae in the tank with fake plants. Or whether it would be dangerous for them?
you wouldn't really need to worry about the fake coral/plants it's more about the stock you are wanting and if they eat inverts , there are many choices that would be safe with inverts
most listings will specify if the fish will or will not eat inverts by saying reef safe or not reef safe or reef safe with caution ,
Thanks. I knew about the stocking of different species. I was just concerned that herbivores and algae eaters might try to eat something plastic and harm themselves.
I have some fake plants in my tank. fake seafans ,anems,featherworms. My baby clowns love the red or orange anem. My maroon clown loves the seafan that's hers. My Hawaiian rock hopper Blenny still hasn't figured out that that the silicone anem. is not edible. She is always grabbing it and pulls it like a streched rubber band. That's the only fish that tries to eat the artificial and only that artificial. Don't worry I don't even think you can buy a rockhopper. I have not seen any in the aquarium trade for sale. So your safe.
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