fake plants, silk...plastic

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 10, 2005
Quincy, IL
I was wondering if you all that use fakes had any specific reccomendations as to where is best to get them. I'm not talking about the ones you get in pet stores, but the ones you would get at the dollar store. I would appreciate it very much. Maybe give examples of what you are doing in your tanks! Thanks
I have had plastic and silk plants purchased from the lfs. Most of the plants purchased from the dollar stores have metal inside them that will rust in the water. Even if the metal is completly enclosed, the plants will be stiff and won't have as much "give" as those without. The silk plants that we used started to fall apart fray on the edges. I highly reccomment plastic.
I have a mixture of plastic and silk plants in my tanks. I like silk better. More color, more realistic look, etc. Although, you can get some darn nice plastic plants. I also wouldn't get a plant that wasn't made for an aquarium. This way, you know it's clean, and will look good!

Silk plants are a little more expensive than plastic, but can be found at any LFS or chain store.

Also, sometimes it's neccesary to choose your plants based on your fish. For example, a betta is best housed with silk plants, beacuse they have delicate finnage.
I agree that silk plants look more realistic, ours just didn't last more then 4 months. The plastic ones have been going for over a year.
definitly plants from the lfs. Either ones are ok, but some plastic plants will rip up fish that have a lot of finnage, like bettas, so it depends on your fish. Also, fry do not do well in plastic.
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