Fancy Goldfish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 22, 2003
Long Island NY
I have had tanks for over 20 years and never really had a goldfish tank. I had an extra 5 gal tank that I put 2 fancy goldfish in. They are doing ok but i know that they will need a bigger home soon. I saw a Oceanic 30 gal cube that I really like. I won't be able to purchase until I receive my income tax check. That will give me time to plan out how I want to set up tank. I want some general advice. I want live plants. What kind would be good in a goldfish tank? What type of gravel? What type of filter should I use? I want to hear some of everyones experiences. I know with goldfish I need to have good filtration. I asked this question on goldfish paradise but so far they haven't given me any good advice. They say I shouldn't buy the cube and I should get a longer tank. I live in an apartment and I don't have much space. This tank would be the biggest tank I can get for the space I have. Thanks for reading and I hope I can get some good ideas.
I think the tank you plan on buying is just fine as long as you get a bubble bar or something similar to help oxygenate the water (they require well aerated water). The gravel is very important because goldfish love to pick up the gravel and move it around quite a bit. The gravel should be of smooth contour to avoid damage to your goldfishes mouth and big enough that it won't get stuck in their mouths. Some plant suggestions i have are:
Sagittaria graminea
elodea (Anacharis canadensis) both above are hardy
vallisneria and amazon sword plant (not favorite but they will eventually warm up to them and chew on them as well)
japenese dwarf rush
baby's tears
hair grass
java moss
these are just suggestions I would encourage reading up on these plants and then decide on what you would like. I hope it helps but that is all I have read about on the subject. Good Luck!
Keep in mind goldfish need highly oxygenated water; the larger the surface area of the tank, the better the oxygen exchange. Whats's the surface area of the cube? Length times width will give you that; its recommended each goldfish get approximately 30 square inches per inch of fish. Obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule; it assumes a 6 inch fish is the same as 3 two inch fish, but it gives you a ball park figure. It doesn't take into account the shape of the tank tho, although its not a huge issue in your case.

As precious said, smooth gravel is a much better idea for goldies; let me add it either needs to be too big to go into their mouths, or very small so they don't get stuck in the fish's gullet when they do mouth it.

Be careful with plants; what precious didn't mention is goldies are notorious plant killers;they will tear up any soft plants, and dig up the rest. Theres a couple they will leave alone (I think java fern is one), but for the most part they are death to plants. Why? They're veggies, which leads to another important note. Don't feed them tropical fish foods; there is too much protein in em for goldfish digestion.
Preciousmoments thanks for the advice. I've had a couple of the plants you listed but I will do research and see which plants I will prefer. I plan on having a bubble bar in the tank.
allivymar thank you too! I will look for a smooth gravel. I saw something on a different post from drsfostersmith that was used for plants and prevented fish from digging them up. This is a link to what I am talking about. I would just have to make sure it has a smooth surface.
Thanks for the advice on Tropical fish food. What about freeze dried or live worms? I have read that some people feed cucumber or broccolli. Is this something I should do. I know I have to slightly boil the vegetable to soften it up a little. Thanks again to both of you for giving me some good advice. I appreciate it! :fadein:
Very cool item there deg! Dunno if it would prevent goldfish from tearing up the plants tho LOL they're pretty persistent.

I'd limit meat foods for goldies and stick mostly with goldfish foods and fresh veggies (although a treat of frozen bloodworms wouldn't be ignored *grin*). Cukes, broccoli, lettuce, squashand the occasional smooshed cooked pea are all good choices. Goldies have very long digestive tracts (similar to plecos) and don't digest meats very well; their digestive systems are built for vegetation.
I use the flake food as my main meal for my fantails and as a treat i pop in a piece of lettuce, boiled peas (to soften) or freeze dried brine shrimp once a week. I agree with Alli on the meat foods goldfish are vegetarians but are commonly referred to as garbage disposals (they will eat just about anything whether or not its good for them).
Easy goldfish proof plants in my tank are anachris, red ludwigia, and apognetan bulbs. Also a couple of banana plants. Forget to feed them goldfish though and you will find many of the plants floating at the surface as they root around for food! Rule of thumb is to go with gravel just biger than the goldfish mouth. I have done several late night gravelectomy's with tweezers til I got it right. I feed all kinds of dry food cuz its easier for me. Flakes, crumbles, pellets, blood worms etc. I have a 29 gallon and run 3 seperate HOB filters with total capacity of 60 gallons filtration. This way I change one every 2 weeks and dont disturb the other bacteria colonies, Its just easier for me.
degbowl, I tend to agree with the goldfish paradise people & say the more surface area the better for goldies. And a cube tank happens to have the least surface area for the volume. A bubble bar will help, but generally will not compensate for inadaquate gas exchange surface.

If you don't have space for a long tank, you might consider a 40 breeder. The foot print is 36 x 18", not much longer than a 30. Another option to really increase water surface is a wet-dry filter & sump setup. Since the sump sits under the tank, it won't incease the tank's footprint. The wet dry would add tons of gas exchange surface, not to mention area for the good bacteria to grow. One of the people at goldfish paradise (?) has this type of setup, & this is the way I am going with my new goldie tank.
Coldwater fish such as goldfish use more oxygen than their warm water cousins even if kept in warmer waters. Circulation would be important with cube to help the water to the surface where the oxygen exchange takes place. Also the more live plants the better, esp rich oxygenators like anachris.
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