feeding Crayfish to Oscar

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2004
Is this a good idea?

I have a 8" Oscar I want to feed him a 2" Crayfish.

The crayfish I saw from my lfs have some small white balls growing on their head. Are those diseases?
I wouldn't, those claws might do some damage. If you want to feed live crustacians I would try ghost shrimp. They will be much cheaper.
I think oscars eat crayfish in the wild.......if the oscar doesn't eat the crayfish it would make a good scavenger for the bottem of the tank. Not sure about the white balls growing on their heads....So definitely don't put one of those in with the Oscar until you confirm species type and healthy appearance.
i think its kind of like thorns? if were thinking about the same things. you could like strong their claws shut before putting them in? or something of the sort
I'm not a big fan of feeder fish or crustaceans unless you breed them yourself. Otherwise, you have no idea how they were fed, or if they carry any disease.

I wouldn't feed any crayfish larger than 1 inch, because they can inflict serious wounds with those claws and with the pincers on each leg. It's just not worth your oscar losing an eye.
Go for it! Oscars love em and seem to know how to eat them by instinct :lol:.

Mine used to bite the tail off and leaves the head/claws. Goes nuts too. Sadly there is the risk that he might pick up a disease....Also an oscar really has no need at all to be feed live fish when it can get a better source of nutrients from pellets ect.

It really comes down to weather or not you want to take the risk.

I eventually stopped doing it about a 3 years ago because of the risk... so do what you will.
I have personally seen fish eat crayfish and (hate to make people mad) it's awesome! Crayfish don't put up much of a fight and it is usually a quick death. Anyone who grew up playing Mortal Kombat will get a kick out of it. :mrgreen:

On the health side of things I definately agree with QTOFFER. It's better to breed your feeder fish yourself. That way you KNOW they are heathly.

Happy hunting to your oscar. :mrgreen:
.......if the oscar doesn't eat the crayfish it would make a good scavenger for the bottem of the tank.

yea but like my crays they will end up with no legs and getting around commando style !!
believe it or not, a friend of mine has a 12" oscar that will scoop the cray up from behind, eat the insides out and pretty much spit out the perfect empty shell and claws.
I wouldn't feed any crayfish larger than 1 inch
I also agree with that, due to the size, and damage they can cause. plus the shells will be alot thinner.
If you want to save your oscar the damage, (and forgive me animal activists) just bust off the inside arm on the claw with a pair of pliers or something.

Just make sure you QT them for a while first.
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