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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
So I use nourish 2a week nothing is really happening that I see should I add excel to the mix or is that to much
Aspencer said:
They are two different ferts. Excel is carbon and flourish are micro's I believe.


Excel just replaces the need for a co2 system IMO. Flourish is a good basic fert that I use 2-3x week and I also use root tabs. It seems to be a good combo.
Sorry its flourish comprehensive supplement so I'm going to fert some excel to... Can to much fert be bad
jetajockey said:
Don't overdose excel. It can melt plants and kill fish if you aren't careful with it. Follow the instructions on the bottles and you'll be fine.

I plan on doing a cap full once a week with my flourish I use twice a week
I don't know what your tank size is but just follow the directions. I would skip the beginning part that says to do a major initial dose, though, I think that's responsible for lots of the val/anacharis melt stories.

Excel is meant to be used daily, it breaks down within 24 hours.
I've never had an issue with melting vals or any other plants and I've been using a stronger dilution of glutaraldehyde for several months.

Flourish isn't going to do anything bad if it hits the plants in a cloud, but the excel might, although it's often used as an algaecide by direct application.
I dump my ferts into my filter its easier I have to much of a lighting set up on top lol
I dont want to do co2 yet lol

I agree lol.

I look at it this way, I don't feed my fish everyday, why do I need to feed my plants everyday (Excel that is)? Like anything else related to my aquariums, I adjust as needed and it seems to work just fine 1/2 dosing Excel 3x a week.

Talk to Fort or Rookie about co2 (and plants), they're the experts IMO.
Because plants need a steady carbon source. Do you skip days that you light your tank?

I'm not saying its absolutely necessary, because it isn't, but it's ideal to dose it every day (at the start of the photoperiod preferably) since it dissipates well within 24 hours.
You don't need to dose Excel for a steady carbon source. With a well-balanced planted tank, your fish, substrate, and a little bit of fish food should take care of it. When you have something >2.5WPG, then that's a bit of a different story. In my 10g, I stopped dosing Flourish and Excel entirely, and so absolutely no ill-effects.
Because plants need a steady carbon source. Do you skip days that you light your tank?

I'm not saying its absolutely necessary, because it isn't, but it's ideal to dose it every day (at the start of the photoperiod preferably) since it dissipates well within 24 hours.

So you're saying that because I didn't put Excel in my tank today, there's zero co2 in my water column? According to Fort, co2 is present all the times, just in lower quantity. Is that wrong?

I agree that any Excel (and ferts) are best added in the AM. Most plant growth (in or out of water) takes place during the daylight hours.
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