Filter change question.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2006
Hello again all, sorry for all the posts latly but I want to take care of my fish =p

I have a Tetra Whisper on my 10gallon tank. How often do I need to change out the "bio-bag"?
When it falls apart. Just rinse it in used tank water and put it back in. If it starts to get clogged then replace it.
Yep fishyfinatic that is what I do with my wisper 40 filters and I am on the origanal filter yet and its been almost 2 months now. But make sure you have extras on hand so you are ready to go incase you need to replace it.
Sounds like a plan. I will definatly pick up some extra bio-bags so if one of those "just-incase situations" popup, i will be prepared in advance.

Thanks again guys/gals!
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