Filter Feeders

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2006
I was reading that freshwater clams will remove nitrates from the water when they feed. What kind of waste do they create? Are there any other freshwater filter feeders other than clams?
they have very light bioloads, but i hear they are quite difficult to keep alive.

Never heard of them removing nitrates, but they are sensitive to it, along with ammonia, and nitrite. They are EXTREMELY sensitive to ammonia and nitrite.
Corbicual (sp). will help with nitrAtes, and as stated, they have a very small bioload. I'll have to digress to the "freshie" experts to let you know if there are other filter feeders that will remove nitrAtes.
We tried clams in the tanks at work. So far 8 clams bought and 8 clams died. They open when they die and the loaches cruise right up for the buffet.
What water paramters are best for freshwater clams? It was stated that they are very sensitive to ammonia & nitrite but with a cycled tank you should never have anything above 0 unless there is a major problem.

I have thought about trying them in the past but have been hesitant since my tanks are heavily planted and I have a loach collecting problem. I do not really want the clams digging up my plants or the loaches digging up plants to get to the clams?
My tank is understocked right now. I'm contemplating some myself. Anyone know of any good places to get them?
I have 3 in my tank right now, they've been in there a little over 2 weeks i think. I out them right up against the front of the glass so i can keep an eye on them and check to see that theyre still alive every once in a while - you can see when theyre filtering because they open up little valves on one side of their lips, er.. shells. so far they havent been any kind of a nuisance, they just dig themselves into the substrate so only the top part of their shell is above it, aftger that, they havent moved at all, theyre right in with some cryptocornes, but havent uprooted or disturbed them at all.

I had originally gotten them to help with a terrible, long lasting green water problem, which has been clearing up, possibly in part by their help of eating the greenwater...
Please keep me updated with how they are doing. I want to get some myself, but they're quite fragile.
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