filter help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 9, 2012
Is there such thing as to much filtration I got two HOB filters wonted to no if I can add a canister filter also is that to much..55g like 13 fish
There's no such thing as too much (biological) filtration, but there is a thing as having too many filters. At some point the only thing "excess" filters produce is current.

How many gallons is each HOB rated for?
Bg-mike said:
Is there such thing as to much filtration I got two HOB filters wonted to no if I can add a canister filter also is that to much..55g like 13 fish

There is no such thing of to much filtration but you can have to much gph. You don't want to blow your fish up against the glass would you.? I would say you'll probably be fine but to better give advice we need to know the gph of the hob and the canister your thinking of getting. You should be doing at least 450 imo
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