filter rcoomendations please.,

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 25, 2004
north idaho
I am bringging home soon a ten gallon with hood and lights and two anomochromis thomasi(sp?) aka butterfly cichlids and bio spiria.... I have a box filter and a power head for temporary filtration... My ??? is which hpb is good and what leval of filtration... One lfs told me aqua clear 50 and another said the aqua clear 20 another said they were both right.. I am confused:).. I will be moving up to a 20l to a 55 gallon in the next 6-10 months :roll:
butterfly cichlids... these are the same ones I gave you a link to a while back right?
they dont look too demanding.. I know that bettas are a bit on the easy side.. but you do have to take into accout how serious cichlidites take there fish!!! LOL!.. you might what to hunt down a profile for the fish and maybe we can give you more help with them? :mrgreen:
Aqua clear require too much maintanence, my friend also had one and he also agrees with me. I have one...THe current and the power is pretty good. Still isn't as good as my crappy old penguin :evil:
feeder_guppy said:
Aqua clear require too much maintanence, my friend also had one and he also agrees with me. I have one...THe current and the power is pretty good. Still isn't as good as my crappy old penguin :evil:

Too much maintainance? How so? Ive used almost all HOB's on the market and I can safely say that this is a overstatement if Ive ever heard of one.. are you trying to keep carbon in it or something?
Setting them up for bio-filtration and mechanical filtration only makes the maintance almost non-existent..
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