Filter suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 18, 2008

I have a Whisper filter system for my 2.5 gal tank. It works fine, but it seems to put out a very rapid flow, takes up lots of space in the tank, and I'm replacing the filters constantly (2-3x per week). I only have 1 betta in the tank and a snail, and the betta is few 2x per day, very conservatively. (not overfed).

What would you guys recommend for a filter system. Betta is doing well (except for the little finrot--see post in unhealthy), but seems to be recovering well from it now. Even new fin growth. :p

Thanks! This looks much better than the Whisper filter. Will it change my tank parameters when I switch?
You could also try just using a sponge filter with your betta. Two of my 5g betta tanks have sponge filters.
You could also try just using a sponge filter with your betta. Two of my 5g betta tanks have sponge filters.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm looking to set up a second tank soon, and may go to that, since it's smaller. I'd like to get a female for variety purposes, and possibly breeding.

I just ordered the filter that neilanh suggested. It was inexpensive (7.99)and looks like it would fit my small tank better. The Whisper filter has a bit of suction power and when my betta swims past it, he's always getting his tail sucked up (although, I think he likes it :D).

What color are your bettas?
I have three male bettas (one is my daughter's though). He is pure red and beautiful. His name is Zeus. My betta in the 10g tank is red with irridescent colors in his body. And I have one more male betta (Balthazar) and he is blue/red/purple. I also have two female bettas in a 29g community tank. One is dark blue and the other is a white/pinkish color. I just love bettas!
Bettas have always been my favorite. I have had them since I was a kid, except for an 8 year hiatus. It's hard to keep a small aquarium at home when you have 3 cats that are quite clever. :)

I am going to branch out with the female and try ordering one. I have seen some beauties online, and would like to pair my male with a white female and see what happens. He is the most beautiful petstore betta i have ever seen. Once he gets well from his finrot, then I may just have to find him a lovely mate. Even if I don't breed, it will be fun to have a second fish.
Your male betta will beat her to death.

I'm not planning on keeping them in the same tank unless I decide to breed. I have a second tank that I would keep her in.
Update--new filter!!!!

Hey everyone--

The new Azoo filter arrived yesterday, and I set it up this morning when I made it to the office. I had purchased some new aquarium plants yesterday and added them to the tank.

I believe now, after lots of research, that Azul's fin problems are due to stress from the high current of the Whisper filter. I really like the Azoo filter, since you can easily adjust the current flow.

Azul seems so happy now with the lower current and the increased plants. He's been exploring all day, and just seems calmer in his swimming. I'm encouraged by the new fin growth :BIG:

Hopefully, Azul is on his way to recovery. He's such a beautiful fish for being a petstore rescue and I'm really hoping he pulls through and his fins are restored to their full glory.:king:
What did you mean when you said you are replacing the filters constantly?

Do you mean the filter pads/media? If that is what you meant, it is best to rinse the dirty media in tank water and put it back, rather than buying new floss or using tap water. That way the good bacteria will stay in the pad and keep your tank cycled. If you are constantly replacing the filter media, your tank will constantly be experiencing new cycles, which could be the culprit in the fin problems. Ammonia is very bad for fins and gills.

Sorry if i misunderstood. That sentence didn't make sense to me, so I thought I would ask.
I was going to mention the same thing as fearlessfisch....I'm surprised you'd have to be replacing filter cartridges that often in a tank with such low bioload. With the new filter I'd also suggest just rinsing the foam or floss out and putting it back in. That's where a lot of the beneficial bacteria live.
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