Filtration Question

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Brandon D.

Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 3, 2013
So i see alot of videos of guys that have tanks with 1 or 2 large air powered sponge filters in like a 125 gallon setup and their water look pretty clear. Just wandering if anyone uses these and do they work well. Thinking about buying a few to try out any input would be great.
I had one to start my tank but it did not help w clarity IMO. It was to get the cycle and good bacteria going as I used a seeded one.
Also it can help aerate the water. So I actually wish I kept mine instead of installing a airstone.
Ok I mean I would be using it tag teamed with HOB filters but it seems like people that use just them have clearer water then I do
We'll the two tanks I'm gunna try this in one is a 30 gallon with 4 mbuna and a shell dweller has a 40 gallon rated and a 15 gallon rated HOB.....2nd is a 55 that has a 8 inch oscar a 6 inch green Texas a feather fin cat and a polypterus has a 60 gallon rated aqua clear and an off brand 40 gallon rated both HOB
That does look cloudy. It can only help I'd say but I'd think of upgrading the filters. On my 37 I have an internal fluval rated for 65 gal and a canister for 40 gal. On my 90 I have 2 canisters rated for 175 and 265 gallons and my waters crystal on both. Especially on your 55 those are messy fish. You need more filtration IMO. That'll help much more than a sponge. I have about 30 sma mbuna on 90 and 14 community in 37.
Got ya well I'm guna get two of them and see what happens and if no luck I will upgrade in the future
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